- Iida Tsutomu 饭田务(1906-),日本人,东京都电力协会负责人。
- Kitagava T,Iida H,TadenumaY,et al. 中华人民共和国交通部行业标准.
- He had sacrificed his life for Lida and Iida had become his life too. 他将生命献给立达,立达也便是他的生命。
- It is a constant condition that line conation Tsutomu's obtains that should be had. 行为能力的取得必须具有一定的 条件。
- Dr Tsutomu Nishida and colleagues evaluated whether oral glucose tolerance test was useful in evaluating the prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Tsutomu Nishida医生和同事评估口服葡萄糖耐量测验是否可用于评估肝硬化的恶化.
- Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified "hibakusha," or radiation survivor, of the 9 August 1945 atomic bombing in Nagasaki. 山口勉之前就已被认定为1945年8月9日长崎原子弹爆炸的“被爆者”,意思是辐射幸存者。
- Masaharu K, Kanai F, Iida M, et al. Frepuency of mutations of insulin receptor gene in Japanese patients with NIDDM. Diabetes,1995,44:1081. 马立隽;王华;陈家伟;等.;中国人非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病候选基因的连锁分析
- Osaka A,Ohtsuki C,Iida H, et al. Bioactivity of H2O2-Treated Ti and Ti alloys[J]. Fifth world Biomaterials congress.Canada,l996,557-62. 宋应亮;徐君伍;马轩祥;等.;不同氧化温度处理下钛75合金耐孔蚀的研究[J]
- Tsutomu Hata, a former Prime Minister is notorious for his ill-advised energy-saving office wear, created by simply chopping off the arms of conventional suits at the elbow. 日本前首相羽田孜曾建议把传统服装的衣袖自肘部剪下,以节省能源,结果证明此建议愚蠢之至,因为如此一来,衣服就像是吃醋的情人发了疯,也成为人们大肆嘲弄的对象。
- Fukushima, N. Iida, M. Hidaka, K., 1984., “Development of an Automotive Shock Absorber that Improves riding Comfort without Impairing steering stability,” SAE Paper N0.845052. 许益诚,2003,积极滚动控制之车辆半主动式悬吊系统之研发,国立台北科技大学,硕士论文。
- "If it's prepared properly, you don't have to worry at all, and it has a really good flavor," said Yasutaka Iida as he devoured fugu with friends at a seaside fugu restaurant. 正在海边的河豚餐馆和朋友一起大快朵颐的饭田康隆(音)说:“如果烹调得法,你根本就没什么好担心的,而且它的味道的确很好。
- Kume, T., Iwamoto, Y., Iida, K., Murakami, M., Akishino, K., and And., H., "Combustion Control Technologies for Direct Injection SI Engine," SAE paper No. 960600, (1996). 行政院环保署,"汽油车测试程序与测试方法",行政院环境保护署空气品质保护及噪音管制处,民国八十七年。
- Rednet ( Changsha,September 1) "Hugimemasideh, duozu rurosiku", said Iida Hitomi, a polite japanese girl, by entering into Wang Fen's home, an average home of Changsha people. 汉语、日语交错在一起,欢声笑语不时从长沙市雨花区天剑物业小区传出。
- On April 17, 2006, Japan-Investment Companies IIDA (FOSHAN) INDUSTRY CO., LTD. and DAYI PRODUCT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INDUSTRY CO., LTD. held the opening ceremony. 2006年4月17日,日资企业--饭田(佛山)橡塑有限公司、达一物产环保工业(佛山)有限公司开业典礼。
- Tomoaki Ichikawa,Hironobu Sou,Tsutomu Araki.Ductpenetrating sign at MRCP:usefulness for differentiating inflammatory pancreatic mass form pancreatic carcinomas[J].Radiology 2001,221:107116. 曾荣苏,严福华,周康荣,等.磁共振动态增强和脂肪抑制技术在胰腺癌诊断中的价值[J].;临床放射学杂志,2000,19(11):703706
- 8 Naoki IIDA,Kenichi HIROSE,Kinue HATAKEYAMA; 9唐海燕,高炳哲;
- Author Wang Jieying Zhao Guangjie Ikuho Iida; 作者王洁瑛;赵广杰;饭田生穗;
- and professional associations like ASID, AIA, ASLA and IIDA. 还包括了一些专业组织,如:ASID,AIA,ASLA,IIDA。
- essays by Aiko Iida ... [et al.] ;contributing editor Lesley A.Martin. 书名/作者 Full vinyl :/the subversive art of designer toys //Ivan Vartanian ;
- Hasson Soha, Sasao Tsutomu, Brayton R.K.. Logic Synthesis and Verification. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002 韩俊刚;杜慧敏.;数字硬件的形式化验证