- Igor Sokolov 索科洛夫
- Sokolov: She said that Khrushchev sent her. 她说是赫鲁晓夫派来的。
- Maurice Ravel and Igor Stravinsky. 莫里斯?瑞沃尔和伊格尔?史翠温斯基的作品。
- Soldier: Sokolov is ours. Now get out of here. 是我们的,你还是请吧。
- IgoR and the students act the dialogue toge ther . 学生从中能更深刻地记住、理解对话,并应用到实践中。
- Sokolov: Those men were from the Ocelot unit. 那些人是山猫小组的。
- Sokolov:It will mean the end of the Cold War. 如果上校得到了它,就意味着冷战结束了。
- Sokolov: I had no choice but to cooperate! 我没得选择,我必须合作。
- Sokolov is a man who loves his family. 索科洛夫是一个爱家的人。
- Sokolov: My wife and daughter. They're in America. 我的妻子女儿,他们在美国。
- Snake: Sokolov, what exactly is Phase 2? 究竟什么是第二形态?
- Talking about Igor the gym coach] And how big are his biceps again? (谈论健身教练)而且他的二头肌多大呀?
- Igor Andreev said the Americans were just too strong. 安德烈夫说美国人太强了。
- Scamper : Do not yell me! Igor : Please pull the switch. 伊戈尔:拉闸!斯坎普:不要冲我吼!伊戈尔:拜托请拉闸。
- Wagner left back home because of injury by replacing Igor Ivanov. 主队左后卫瓦格纳因伤被伊万诺夫替下。
- Igor J.Karassik et al : Pump Handbook , Mc Graw -Hill(1976) . 沈阳水泵研究所、中国农机院:叶片泵设计手册;机械工业出版社;(1983).
- Sokolov ran off by himself, but I'll catch up to him. 逃走了,我得赶上他。
- After a few days we came across a Russian name, Sokolov Grant. 几天以后,我们看到了一个俄国名字:索科洛夫·格兰特。
- Sokolov:If it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it. 如果这个武器完成了,上校会设法得到它的。
- Sokolov: Is that so? America is truly a frightening country. 是吗?美国真是个疯狂的国家。