- The amount of major heterotrophic bacteriaEnterobacteriaceae rose 9.4% and Aeromonas reduced 7.5% in the Ictalurus punctatus fishponds; Pseudomonas reduced 16% and Enterobacteriaceae rose 21% in the Pengze crucian fishponds. 斑点叉尾?养殖池的主要异养细菌肠杆菌科细菌提高 9.;4%25;气单胞菌属降低7
- Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesqne) 叉尾鮰
- Channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鲴
- Channel catfish( Ictalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鮰
- channal catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Rafinsque) 斑点叉尾鮰
- channal catfish(Ictalurus punctatus Rafinsque) 斑点叉尾鮰(IctaluruspunctatusRafinsque)
- channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus ) 斑点又尾鮰
- channel catfish(Ictalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鮰
- The Progress for the Research of Nutrient Requirement of Ictalurus Punctatus 斑点叉尾鮰营养需求研究进展
- Experiment on the Artificial Propagation of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus 美国红鮰鱼人工繁殖试验
- Main Bacterial Diseases in Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Their Control Measures 斑点叉尾鮰的主要细菌病及其防治措施
- Determination of Oxygen Consumption Rate and Stifle Point of Yong Ictalurus punctatus 斑点叉尾鮰鱼苗阶段耗氧率和窒息点的测定
- Purification and preliminary structure analysis of serum immunoglobulin in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus ) 斑点叉尾(鱼回)血清免疫球蛋白纯化及其结构分析
- Development of a diagnostic PCR assay for enteric septicemia in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus 斑点叉尾鮰肠败血症PCR诊断方法的建立
- Technique on environmental friendly culture of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus 斑点叉尾鳃健康养殖技术
- Intestinal Septicaemia in Channel Catfish Ictalurus Punctatus and Its Preventation and Cure 斑点叉尾鮰肠型败血病及其防治方法
- Tests on Selfing and Hybridization between Red and Black Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus 红色和黑色斑点叉尾鮰人工繁殖试验
- Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria from Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus 斑点叉尾鮰细菌性病原的分离与鉴定
- The Kinetic Research of the Absorption of 10 EAA in the Isolated Intestine from Ictalurus Punctatus 斑点叉尾?肠道对10种EAA吸收动力学的研究
- Field trial of vaccination of channel catfish(Ictalurus punctatus) with Aquavac-ESC aganist enteric septicemia of catfish in China AQUAVAC-ESC疫苗免疫预防斑点叉尾?(Ictalurus punctatus)肠道败血症的田间试验