- IT and curriculum integration 信息技术与课程整合
- information technology and curriculum integration 信息技术与课程整合
- It advocated reform in classroom methods and curriculum. 它主张改造课堂教学和课程设置。
- He wanted to speak but thought better of it and held in. 他很想说出来,但仔细想想还是忍住没说。
- Fishing out his pipe, he filled it and puffed at it without a word. 他掏出烟斗,装满烟丝,一言不发地抽了起来。
- Apple, M. W (1990/2002). Ideology and Curriculum. 王丽云(译)。意识型态与课程。台北:桂冠。
- I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔、 转动钥匙,然後打开了门。
- The next ball broke back, the player missed it and was out. 第二个球突然变了方向弹起来; 击球手没有击中就出局了。
- Application of Information Technology and Curriculum Integration in Special Skill Training of Television News Specialty 信息技术与课程整合理论在电视新闻专业技能训练中的应用
- The boss is hopping mad about it and `mad' is the operative word. 老板对此事暴跳如雷,“暴跳如雷”这个成语在句中最重要。
- Don't thank me. Thank your stars. I was there to hear it and warn you. 甭谢我,该谢谢你的好运气,我恰巧在那里听到了才来警告你。
- I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow. 我要把这事仔细想想,明天再给你回话。
- On integration of IT and curricula 信息技术与课程整合之我见
- Let me think about it and don't rush me. 让我考虑考虑,不要催我。
- He rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him. 他擦了擦灯,神怪出现了。
- That lesson is not easy, but hammer away at it and you will get it right. 那课书不容易,但只要你坚持学,你是会学好的。
- The nobleman noticed it and asked him why. 贵族注意到了,问他为什么流泪。
- I'll check into it and get back to you. 我查对一下然后送还给你。
- He can not do it and nor can I . 他做不了这件事,我也做不了。
- We went to it and got the job done quickly. 我们一努力,工作很快就做完了。