- Adrianna (i like it spelled this way) but sadly its 2 e's! 现在没有加入您的网络。添加 Adrianna (i like it spelled this way) but sadly its 2 e's!
- The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1 and ITS 2) and mitochondrial gene fragments ( 16S rDNA and COI) of Crassostrea gigas were amplified via PCR, and the PCR products were ligated into T vectors, cloned and sequenced. 以相应引物经PCR扩增了太平洋牡蛎 (Crassostreagigas)的核糖体转录间区域 (ITS 1和ITS 2 )及线粒体 16SrDNA和COI基因片段。 PCR产物经T 载体连接后进行克隆和测序 ,分别得到长度为 5 4 3、791、5 30和 70 0bp的核苷酸序列。
- The polymorphism of DRD 2 gene at TaqI site may have no effect on TD. DRD2 基因TaqI多态性可能与TD的发生无关联性。
- Objective:To investigate the expression of GATA- 2 gene in ANL L,CML and MDS. 目的 :了解 GATA- 2基因在急性非淋巴细胞白血病 (ANL L )、慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML )和骨髓增生异常综合征 (MDS)中的表达情况。
- Work on the structure of the Aquatics Centre and its 2,800-tonne wave-like roof is also under way. 游泳中心的结构和重2800吨的水波状屋顶目前正在建设中。
- Objective:To evaluate the adhesive ability of ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 and the IL 2 gene modified cells. 目的:研究IL-2基因转移对卵巢癌SKOV3细胞系粘附性的影响。
- Also, when re-arming despite an increase in payload, the Vindicator reloads its 3 bombs in 3 seconds as opposed to its 2 bombs in 4 seconds. 同时,当重新补充弹药时,尽管增加了载弹量,装填时间由2颗炸弹4秒变为3颗炸弹3秒。
- Objective:to explore the relation of a marker (TaqIA) located DRD 2 gene and heroin dependence. 目的 :探讨多巴胺 (DA)受体D2 亚型基因TaqIA多态性与海洛因依赖者行为之间的相关性。
- The NPC meeting, and a parallel one of its 2,000 member advisory body, could see a few glimmerings of dissent, at least in the corridors. 全国人民代表大会和与之平行的2000人的顾问团之间看起来有些意见不合,至少在走廊里是这样的。
- The results demonstrated that pET-28a(+)ND-1sc(Fv)2 gene was constructed and expressed successfully in E. 结果表明成功构建了表达载体pET-28a(+)ND-1sc(Fv)2,并在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达,其表达产物以不溶性包涵体形式存在。
- It decided to lower rates again today for the fourth month in a row as there remained a "significant" risk of undershooting its 2% inflation target. 由于通货膨胀率低于2%25目标值的“显著”风险持续存在,今天的举措已经是连续第四个月的利率下调。
- The effect of human interleukin 2 gene transfer on the adhesive ability of ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3. IL-2基因转移对卵巢癌细胞系SKOV3粘附性的影响
- A deletion mutation with frameshift of neurofibromatosis type 2 gene was detected by DNA sequencing. 以DNA序列分析出,在第二型纤维细胞瘤基因上发生染色体缺失造成移码突变。
- In order to be applicable as a short circuit operator a user-defined logical operator ('operator') must have the same return type as the type of its 2 parameters. 为了可以像短路运算符一样应用,用户定义的逻辑运算符(“operator”)必须具有与它的两个参数的类型相同的返回类型。
- On September 26th, David Starkey, one of the most high-profile of its 2,300 fellows, will talk about “The Antiquarian Endeavour” at St James's Church, Piccadilly. 9月26日,大卫.;斯塔克,这位2300名会员中最爱出风头的人,将在皮卡迪利大街的圣
- The completed VP 2 gene was amplified from PPV RFDNA by PCR method. Then the products were cloned into pMD18-T vector and the sequence was determined. 利用PCR技术从猪细小病毒的RFDNA模板中扩增了含有VP2 全基因的 2 0kb的基因片段 ,将PCR产物克隆至 pMD18 T载体 ,利用双脱氧末端终止法测定了VP2 全基因的核苷酸序列。
- For every lock head,each of its 2 substations is a reserve one to the other,but these two substations operate concurrently and only one substation has control signal output. 每个闸首的2个子站互为备用,且同时投入运行,运行时只有一个子站的控制信号输出。
- AIM To study apoptosis of human breast cancer ER 75 30 cell induced by 188 Re and expression of bcl 2 gene and bax gene. 目的 研究放射性核素 1 88铼 (1 88Re)诱导乳腺癌ER- 75 - 30细胞凋亡及其与 bcl- 2和 bax基因表达的关系 .
- The Kamphaeng School in Si Sa Ket, nearly 600 km northwest of Bangkok, has over 200 transvestites among its 2,500 students and many have been asking for a separate toilet. 位于曼谷西北将近600公里的四色菊甘榜中学里,2500名学生中有200多名异装癖者。他们中大部分都希望能有专用的厕所。
- The bcl 2 gene family is involved in neuronal apoptosis after FBI, and the protein expression alteration of the family members leads the neuronal cell to apoptosis. bcl- 2基因家族参与了液压脑损伤后神经细胞凋亡 ,该基因家族不同成员的表达变化与神经细胞凋亡有关