- 秘书长是如何任命的?How is the Secretary-General appointed?
- 裁军谈判会议副秘书长;Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament;
- ISO流程ISO process
- 李中秋中国动画学会副秘书长Host: Li Zhongqiu Deputy Secretary General of China Animation Association
- 显示Iso曲线Display iso Curves
- 海地问题秘书长之友;海地之友;EOM; Friends of the Secretary-General for Haiti; Friends of Haiti;
- IEC/iso 协议IEC/ISO agreement
- 副秘书长 [解决投资争端国际中心]Deputy Secretary General [ICSID]
- 创建V iso曲线Create V Iso Curve
- 负责黎巴嫩南部事务的秘书长个人代表;Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Southern Lebanon;
- ISO/IEC15693ISO/IEC 15693
- 公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会秘书长"Secretary General, Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service [SG, SC]"
- iso型盐水喷雾试验机ISO Salt Spray Tester
- 主管大会事务副秘书长兼秘书长办公室主任;Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly Affairs and Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General;
- ISO标准火灾实验系统ISO9705 Room/Corner Fire Test Rig
- 上海市人民政府副秘书长姜平在中欧视察调研33Jiang Ping, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, makes an inspection visit to CEIBS 33
- 紧固件ISO米制外螺纹部件端头Fasteners -- Ends of parts with exterenal ISO metric thread
- 让我来引述联合国秘书长的一段话来结束我的发言。Let me close the remarks by quoting of the saying of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
- 参考字型及输入法软件ISO 10646版本Reference Font Input Software ISO 10646 version
- 特派团团长向秘书长报告,秘书长则向安全理事会报告。The Head of Mission reports to the Secretary-General,who in turn reports to the Security Council.