- IP protection awareness 知识产权意识
- Good environment protection awareness of and safety management. 良好的环境保护意识及安全管理。
- To ensure that technical cooperation contributes towards maintaining the social costs of IP protection at a minimum. 确保技术合作有助于把用于知识产权保护方面的社会费用维持在最低限度。
- The Patent Office of Azerbaijan fully appreciated WIPO's multifaceted support, in relation to IP protection. 阿塞拜疆专利局完全赞赏WIPO关于知识产权保护方面提供的多元支持。
- The Representative did not agree with those arguments as development and IP protection went hand in hand. 该代表并不同意这些观点,因为发展与知识产权保护并不矛盾。
- Promotion of IP protection, and not engage in lengthy debates about technology transfer policies. 护;而不是参与有关技术转让政策的冗长的辩论。
- She was an active member of PEPA-Promotion of Environmental Protection Awareness, a group of biology students who spread the environmental message in Hong Kong. 她在科大时,是"绿色教育先锋"的活跃分子。这个由生物系学生组成的团体,宗旨是推广环保意识。
- Utility models are much cheaper to obtain and to maintain (see "How Can Your SME Acquire and Maintain IP Protection?"). l实用新型的获得和维持比较便宜(参见“你的中小企业如何获取和维持知识产权保护?”)。
- In doing so, novel methods of IP protection should be applied to encourage innovation, research and development to the informal sector. 同时,应当适用新的IP保护方法,以促进非正规经济部门的发明、研究和开发。
- WIPO's interpretation of this mission was that it was an organization that was a firm advocate of stronger IP protection in developing countries. WIPO对其发展使命的解释是,WIPO是一个坚定支持加强发展中国家知识产权保护的倡导者。
- It reminded the assembly that the proposal was premised on the positive role of IP protection in promoting economic development. 它提醒大会,该提案述及IP保护在促进经济发展中的积极作用。
- With the improvement of environmental protection awareness and the seriousness of poison, the fresh keeping techniques of longan fruit by temperature fluctuation are getting more and more concerned. 通过人为的变温处理可以保持龙眼采后的果实品质,延长贮藏寿命。
- It was important that Member States not be mislead to believe that all of civil society shared a single perspective on IP protection. 因此,重要的是成员国不能被误导,误认为整个民间社会对知识产权保护有共同的观点。
- The efforts of the office were already delivering fruits in terms of improved IP protection and increased patent activity. 该局的努力已在改进知识产权保护和加强专利活动方面见到成果。
- Australia had achieved a number of milestones relating to IP protection in the past year including a number of amendments to their IP legislation. 在过去的一年中,澳大利亚完成了许多与知识产权保护有关的重大工作,包括知识产权立法的若干修正案。
- Strong IP protection could affect society negatively, for example, patents and pharmaceutical products could lead to high prices of medicines that restricted access to medicines. 知识产权保护过强会给社会带来负面影响,比如专利药品会导致药品价格过高,从而限制人们获得药品。
- The Bulgarian Patent Office had undertaken concrete engagements to the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria corresponding to the Government's IP protection policy. 保加利亚专利局根据政府知识产权保护政策,具体参与到保加利亚共和国政府的工作中。
- MSF was interested in IP protection and in particular pharmaceutical patents where it found itself increasingly confronted with problems of access to essential medicines. 该组织对IP保护,特别是医药专利感兴趣,因为它发现在获得必要药品方面正在遇到越来越多的问题。
- The environmental protection awareness 环保意识
- Probably the best place to start would be the national or regional IP office or copyright office to obtain the details of IP protection in your country. 可能最好的起步的地方就是从国家的知识产权局或版权局获取你的国家知识产权保护的详情。