- She sayd that the book id based on a true story. 她说那本书取材于一件真事。
- The key agreement key type is unknown. 密钥协商密钥类型未知。
- The homomorphism key agreement based on IBE and homomorphic encryption scheme is presented. 该协议建立的会话密钥是等献的、前向保密的。
- The scheme is based on hierarchical key tree and multi-party key agreement, and has the desired properties, suck as key independence and statelessness. 提出的方案基于层次密钥树结构和多方密钥协商并具有密钥独立性和无状态型等特征。
- Represents the HKEY_USERS base key on another computer. 表示另一个计算机上的HKEY_USERS基项。
- Key agreement is usually mentioned in general static group. 通常的群组密钥协商方案,一般都针对普通的、静态的群组。
- The uniqid() function generates a unique ID based on the microtime (current time in microseconds). 函数的作用是:产生一个基于系统时间的独立ID(当前时间以微秒为单位)。
- Based on bilinear pairings and the random Oracle model, a new identity-based dynamic group key agreement protocol for mobile networks was proposed. 基于双线性对和随机预言模型,针对移动网络提出了一个动态群组密钥协商方案。
- Based on an improved signcryption technique and the ID-based public key cryptosystem, a new authentication and key agreement protocol is proposed. 摘要在改进现有签密技术的基础上,基于身份(ID)的公钥密码系统,提出了一个基于ID的认证及密钥协商协议。
- An ID based on statistics was described and a keystroke-recognizing algorithm was given. 基于统计的一般实时检测方法,给出了一个基于键入特性的识别算法。
- The key agreement key is static, existing for an extended period of time. 密钥协商密钥是静态的,在延长的时期内存在。
- The Active Directory plug-in dynamically generates a unique user ID and a primary group ID based on the user account's Globally Unique ID (GUID) in the Active Directory domain. Active Directory根据Active Directory域中用户帐户的全局唯一标识符(GUID)动态生成唯一的用户ID和首选组别ID。
- Finally, the author stress analyzing the 3G authentication, key agreement protocol and its security, finding the security hole and putting forward new authentication and key agreement protocol based on ECC. 重点分析了3G认证与密钥分配协议及其安全性,找出了其中的安全漏洞,提出了新的基于椭圆曲线密码体制的认证与密钥分配协议。
- Based on high effective locations algorithm and error estimate, improvement of the public-key scheme based on Chebyshev maps proposed recently was presented and a key agreement protocol was given. 摘要基于高有效位的数字计算方法和误差估计方法,对目前已提出的基于切比雪夫映射的公钥加密方法进行了改进,得到一种密钥协商协议。
- In this paper,we propose a novel secure multicast scheme with key agreement based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and group communication inside Identity-based Public Key Cryptography system. 提出一个应用椭圆曲线密码体制进行密钥协商而在基于身份的公钥系统内进行组通信的全新安全组播方案。
- In a password-based key derivation function, the base key is a password and the other parameters are a salt value and an iteration count. 在基于密码的密钥派生功能中,基本密钥是一个密码,其他参数是一个salt值和一个迭代次数。
- Object that contains the value of the date and time of the start of the key agreement protocol by the originator. 对象,该对象包含发信方开始密钥协议的日期和时间值。
- Property retrieves the date and time of the start of the key agreement protocol by the originator. 属性检索发信方开始密钥协议的日期和时间。
- CA Distributed CA of ID Based Encrypt in Ad hoc 自组织网络中基于ID加密的自启动分布式
- The key agreement key is ephemeral, existing only for the duration of the key agreement protocol. 密钥协商密钥是暂时的,仅在密钥协商协议持续期间存在。