- ICEL XXI 为二十一世纪教育和学习国际委员会
- Any attempt to distort or een deny resolution 2758 (XXI) is futile. 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。
- The nurses are treating me well at Hospital IMSS Siglo XXI . 成功地进行了休息,但不是在最佳的场所。
- The objective is out at about 2010 to have Army XXI. 通过这一过程,我们要尽可能地进行多方面的试验和实验,其目标是在2010年建成“21世纪陆军”。
- I was released from Hospital IMSS Siglo XXI and I'm feeling much better. 无所事事并不在我的计划之中,这只不过是在浪费时间。
- XXI International Congress of Entomology Iguassu Falls, Brazil.Aug. 2001. 台湾昆虫学会第二十四届年会。
- MR. GARNER: Well, Army XXI is a process by which the Army is looking at a lot of things and a lot of concepts. 加纳:“21世纪陆军”的研究是一个要进行大量理论和实际探索的过程。
- Well,Army XXI is a process by which the Army is looking at a lot of things and a lot of concepts. “21世纪陆军”的研究是一个要进行大量理论和实际探索的过程。
- So,Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways,new concepts,new thoughts,new ideas,the changing of the culture. 所以,“21世纪陆军”的研究确实是一个发现新方式、新概念、新思想、新观点的心理活动过程,旨在改变文化。
- I think you need to go through Force XXI in order to get to Army After Next,because of the thought process. 我认为,为了进入“后天的陆军”,你必须先经过“21世纪陆军”,因为需要有一个思想变化的过程。
- GARNER: Well, Army XXI is a process by which the Army is looking at a lot of things and a lot of concepts. 加纳:“21世纪陆军”的研究是一个要进行大量理论和实际探索的过程。
- I think you need to go through Force XXI in order to get to Army After Next, because of the thought process. 我认为,为了进入“后天的陆军”,你必须先经过“21世纪陆军”,因为需要有一个思想变化的过程。
- Am I to understand that my expenses in Japan for these two meetings( IAMA and XXI) will be paid locally? 我能否知道在日本开此两会第21届年会和多边会议的费用是不是在到日本后再付?
- XXI) Online interaction shall be enhanced and timely help shall be provided for the enterprises. (二十一)增强网上互动交流,及时向企业提供帮助。
- Icel.abbr. =Iceland
- From XIII to XXI century exciting “in contro” ,a wonderful tale in the China 2008. 从十三到二十一世纪的兴奋的“交会”,2008年在中国的一个绝妙的故事。
- The U.S. Army has increasingly emphasized the exploitation of the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) on such efforts as Force XXI and Army After Next. 近年来,美国陆军一直在利用军事革命来加强对陆军发展的研究(如“21世纪陆军”和“后天的陆军”的研究)。
- MR. CHEN: The U.S. Army has begun research on the Force XXI and the Army After Next for several years. What is the main purpose and highlights of this research? 陈:美国陆军开始进行“21世纪陆军”和“后天的陆军”的研究已好几年了,这些研究的主要目的和重点是什么?
- Lee, Ming Jen. 2000. Effect of VAM fungi on growth and root-knot resistance of Taiwan Paulownia. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.378. 李明仁;苏碧华;王露仪1998囊丛枝菌根菌对台湾泡桐根瘤线虫之效应.;中华林学会87年会特刊p
- Lee, Ming Jen. 2000. Impact of pine wood nematode on pine forest sustainability in Taiwan. Proceedings of XXI IUFRO World Congress. PP.407. 李明仁。1998。台湾赤杨之遗传变异。两岸林木种原交流研讨会论文集台湾省林业试验所林业丛刊第88号PP.;107-112