- I work for Benz Company. 我在奔驰公司工作。
- I work for Mc Dowell and Company. 我任职于麦克道尔的公司。
- I work for Ping'an Insurance company. 我在平安保险公司工作。
- I work for a technology company. 我在一家科技公司上班。
- I work for a commercial radio station. 我在商业广播电台工作。
- I work for an international company. 我在一家国际公司工作。
- I work for the Shell oil company. 我为壳牌石油公司工作。
- I work for a Genman joint-venture company. 我在一家德国合资公司上班.
- I work for a big Australian company. 我在一定澳商大公司上班。
- B: I work for a big Australian company. 我在一家澳资大公司上班。
- I work for a company that sells cosmetics. 我在一家卖化妆品的公司工作。
- I work for an advertising company. 我为一家广告公司工作.
- I work for an IT company as does my husband. 和我丈夫一样,我也在一家IT公司上班。
- I'm a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor. 我是联邦政府的雇员,我在劳工部工作。
- I work for a large company but I'm only a small fish, one of twenty looking after the stock ordering. 我为一家大公司工作,但我仅是个小人物,20名管理定货者之一。
- I work for a branch in Guangzhou of a multi-national company. 我在一家跨国公司在广州的分公司上班。
- The company I work for is just an arm of a big multinational. 我所在的那家公司仅是一家大型跨国集团的分公司。
- I work for both the big and the small screen. 我从事影视工作。
- I work for "Expressen" the paper with a sting. 我像是带着刺一样为“快递”报纸工作。
- Then I worked for an oil company as an interpreter. 之后我到了一家石油公司作翻译。