- I will fulfill my oath. 我将履行我的誓言。
- I will fulfill my task if you leave it to me. 这件事就交给我,我一定会不辱使命的。
- With him I will fulfil my covenant,an everlasting covenant with his descendants after him. 我将同他及他的后代履行永存的立约。
- With him I will fulfil my covenant, an everlasting covenant with his descendants after him . 我将同他及他的后代履行永存的立约。
- With him I will fulfil my covenant, an everlasting covenant with his descendants after him. 我将同他及他的后代履行永存的立约。
- I will try my best to fulfill my dream asap! 生命满希望,前路由我创!
- I will try to fulfill my plan at all costs. 也就是不惜任何代价,无论如何。
- But my covenant I will fulfil with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year. 但是撒拉明年此时将生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。
- I will fulfill my vow. 我要履行我的誓约。
- I will fulfil my covenant between myself and you and your descendants after you,generation after generation,an ever lasting covenant,to be your God,yours and your descendants'after you. 我要执行我和你订立之约,此约对你和你的后人,世世代代都永远有效。我是你和你的后代的上帝。
- I will fulfil my covenant between myself and you and your descendants after you, generation after generation, an ever lasting covenant, to be your God, yours and your descendants' after you . 我要执行我和你订立之约,此约对你和你的后人,世世代代都永远有效。我是你和你的后代的上帝。
- I know it will take a long run to fulfill my dream, but I will never give up. 我知道要实现自己的梦想,还有很长的一段路要走,但是我不会放弃。
- Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, "As I live, surely My oath which he despised and My covenant which he broke, I will inflict on his head. 所以主耶和华如此说、我指著我的永生起誓、他既轻看指我所起的誓、背弃指我所立的约、我必要使这罪归在他头上。
- I must fulfil my task by some means or other. 我总得想个办法完成任务。
- But my covenant I will fulfil with Isaac,whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year. 但是,撒拉明年此时将生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。
- I didn't tell anyone, on my oath. 我保证我没有告诉过任何人。
- But my covenant I will fulfil with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year . 但是撒拉明年此时将生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。
- I didn't say anything to her about you, on my oath. 我没有对他说起任何关于你的事,我发誓。
- I didn't say anything to her about you,on my oath. 我没有对他说起任何关于你的事,我发誓。
- I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfill my duties and obligations as a British citizen. 我将切实遵守它的法律,履行作为一个英国公民应尽的职责和义务。