- I weep for the loss of your husband. 我为你失去丈夫而哭泣。
- I weep for the loss of your husband . 我为你失去丈夫而哭泣。
- I weep for the weak 我因软弱哭泣
- I weep for joy to stand upon my kingdom once again. 重新站在我的王国的土地上,我激动得流泪了。
- I weep for all the wasted moments. 我为一切浪费的时间哭泣。
- "I weep for all," said the Bishop. “我为他们全体哭。”主教说。
- "I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone" (Theodore Roethke). “我为我孤独时的样子而哭泣” (西奥多·罗斯克)。
- Did not I weep for him that was in trouble? Was not my soul grieved for the poor? 人遭难,我岂不为他哭泣呢。人穷乏,我岂不为他忧愁呢。
- I weep for you, as Jazer weeps, O vines of Sibmah. 西比玛的葡萄树啊,我为你哀哭,甚于雅谢人哀哭。
- I weep for the drifting years. 为了漂移的年月流过泪,
- We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside. 我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。
- Down in the flood of remembrance,I weep like a child for the past. 沉浸在记忆的长河里,我为逝去的童年而泪流满面。
- Yet I wept for it! -- this,. The paper's light. 平常的事,我可哭了!
- Weep for the future of the humankind. 我为人类的前途感到悲哀。
- Priority seats are reserved for the weak. 博爱座是给老弱妇孺的.
- So I weep, as Jazer weeps, for the vines of Sibmah. 因此,我要为西比玛的葡萄树哀哭,与雅谢人哀哭一样。
- They are rooting for the weaker football team. 他们正在为较弱的那个足球队喝彩打气。
- We must care for the weak who will otherwise fall by the wayside. 我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。
- Therefore I weep as Jazer weeps for the vines of Sibmah. I drench you, O Heshbon, O Elealeh, with my tears! For over your fruit and your vintage have been heard loud battle cheers. 赫市朋啊!厄肋阿肋啊!我要用我的眼泪来灌溉你!因为在你夏收和秋收时,战争的呼声骤然降临!
- Megatron : You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose! 威震天:你仍然为弱者而战!这就是你失败的原因!