- It was so cold I was gooseflesh all over. 冻得我直起鸡皮疙瘩。
- It was so cold that I was gooseflesh all over. 冻得我直起鸡皮疙瘩.
- I was told that Miami Beach is very famous all over the world. 我听说迈阿密海滩是世界闻名的。
- I am just relieved it is all over. 此事已经结束,我甚感欣慰。
- "I am the man you want," was written all over his face. 他满脸活现出,“我是你们少不了的人。”
- Made safe by your good will, I am showered by your goodness. 你的善意使我感到安全,我沐浴在你的慈爱里。
- I am stiff all over from that jolting in the waggon yesterday. 由于昨天乘大车时的颠簸,我感到浑身酸疼。
- I was all abroad when I heard the news. 听到这消息时我感到茫然。
- I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying. 我绊了一下,手中的托盘掉在地上了。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承认错了,是很费力的。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- She didn't attend to what I was saying. 她对我所说的话未加注意。
- I was caught in a shower of rain and soaked to the skin. 我正赶上一场阵雨,浑身湿透了。
- I was all for calling on each of these ladies. 我尽量去拜访每一位女士。
- I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened. 出了这件事我很不痛快,实际上是愤怒至极。
- He was away ill and I was landed with all his work. 他因病不在,他的工作都推在我身上。
- All the while I was acutely aware of her nearness. 我一直强烈地意识到她离我很近。
- I was tired after shoveling snow all day. 铲了一天的雪我很累了。
- I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over. 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。
- Hearing what he said, I was all adrift. 听他那么一说,我倒糊涂了。