- I want to impress him. 我想给他一个好印象。
- I wanted to impress them so I went armed to the teeth with copies of articles and papers I had written. 我想给他们留下好印象,因此我把我写的所有的文章和论文都带去了。
- I want to impress on everyone that the bad times are over. 我要给大家留下一个印象,就是艰苦的时期已经过去了。
- But I want to impress upon you that I am goddam well incensed. 可我就要让你牢记的是,我他妈的是给气疯了。”
- I want to catch forty wink before the guest arrive. 我想在客人到达之前,先打个盹儿。
- I want to impress Waggett with the fact that I am not playing a lone hand in this matter. 我要瓦格特明白我并不是单枪匹马一个人在干这事。
- And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!
- I want to sing at a karaoke bar next. 接下来,我想去卡拉OK酒吧唱歌。
- I want to dissociate myself from my companions. 我想要与我的同伴断绝关系。
- You are just the person I want to see. 你正是我要见的人。
- I wanted to call at him the minute he arrived. 我刚要打电话给他,他就来了。
- Of course, I want to take part in it and will do my utmost to impress, the competition for places is normal and does not worry me, on the contrary it stimulates me to do better. 我当然希望自己能够参与并且为之竭尽全力。锋线竞争是很正常的,这不仅不会影响我,反而会激励我更努力。
- I wanted to punch him for his betrayal. 因为他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一顿。
- I want to address a letter to a friend. 我要给一个朋友寄封信。
- I want to get married; preferably to a rich man. 我想结婚,最好是找到一位有钱人。
- If you want to impress me - What is that? 想讨好我?-是什么?
- I want to have a ride of that bike. 我想骑一骑那辆自行车。
- I want to have a talk with Mr. Jones or Mr. Smith. 我想和琼斯先生或者史密斯先生谈谈。
- I want to know how to put this in French. 我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。
- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出赔偿损失的要求。