- I try not to blow my own horn. 我尽力不自吹自擂。
- I try not to judge things only by surface. I try to judge things by my own knowledge. I try not to mistake something that I did know little. 我尝试不去从表面看事情。我尝试用我自己的知识去判断事情。我尝试不因自己认识得太少而误解了某件事情。
- I try not to become emotionally involved. 我尽量在感情上不受到影响。
- I try not to cry. Mommy says it's okay. 我尽量忍住不哭。妈妈说那样没关系。
- I try not to think about him at all. 我尽量不去想他。
- I try not to think of the future. 尽量不去想未来。
- I try not to translate word-for-word. 尝试不逐字翻译。
- I try not to feel dispirited but I can't help it. 我全力使本身不感应沮丧,但我办不到。”
- He is an agreeable fellow, but likes to blow his own horn. 他是一个随和的人,但就是喜欢自吹自擂。
- I try not to let my problems at home carry over into my work. 我努力不想让家里的问题影响到工作。
- I try not to let work interfere with my personal life. 我尽量不让工作干扰我的私生活。
- Phil likes to blow his own horn. 菲尔喜欢自吹自擂。
- I try not to be biased,but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. 我为人处事渐凉不带偏见,但我雇佣史蒂维时仍心怀疑虑。
- He made use of every chance to blow his own horn. 他利用每一个机会自我标榜。
- "Of course." I tried not to gasp. “当然!”我试着不让自己窒息。
- I tried not to remember last May at the prom. 我尽可能不要记起五月的那个舞会。
- I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but I did all the top jobs. 我并不是自吹自擂,但所有的重要工作都是我干的。
- My own blood is all around me, as I try hard not to cry, I can hear the paramedic say,” This girl is going to die. 我鲜血淋漓地倒在血泊里。我努力让自己不要哭泣,这时我听到护理人员说,“这个女孩快死了。”
- blow my own hornvi. 自吹自擂(自我标榜)
- I try not to stagnantly remain in one type of feeling. 我尽量不滞留在只有一种感觉的类型。