- I suppose not, except two bottles of whiskey and a carton of cigarettes. 我想没有。除了两瓶威士忌酒和一条香烟。
- I suppose not, except a bottle of whiskey. That's duty-free, isn't it? 我想没有,除了一瓶威士忌酒。那是免税的,对吧?
- Una: I suppose not, but it is very frustrating. I can't wait to get the plaster off. 巫娜:我也知道,但这真是让人心情恶劣。我恨不得马上把石膏去掉。
- I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked. 请原谅,我想我本该敲门的。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- I suppose we'll have lunch at the Ming Tombs. 我想我们将在十三陵吃午饭。
- I suppose he is quite in spirits at your success? 我想他对你的成功感到相当高兴吧?
- Raquel: Well you can't expect to be up and about so soon after breaking your leg.Una: I suppose not, but it is very frustrating.I can't... 公共英语站点编辑整理 You're the tops .;对话 Una: I'm so fed up with being stuck in the house all day
- I suppose you have been in our woods, haven't you? 我推想你在我们的森林里待过,不是吗?
- I will not be too long, I suppose. 我想我不会耽搁太久的。
- I suppose so, if you can handle it with care. 如果你能小心对待,我看可以。
- I suppose you're mistaken there. 我认为在这点上您错了。
- I suppose it can not be helping. 我想这也是没办法的事。
- We all have our crosses, I suppose. 我想,我们都有各自的难题。
- I suppose she has more brains than any of us. 我认为她比我们都聪明。
- I suppose not. 我也不认为它太糟。
- I suppose you have been in our woods, have not you? 我推想你在我们的森林里待过,不是吗?
- I suppose I'm not the Mr. Right of her affections. 我觉得我不是他所喜欢的意中人。
- I suppose the soil is not light nor stony. 我认为土壤并不很薄,也不是石头很多。
- I suppose you do feel lonely when I'm not at home. 我料到我不在家时,你一定会感到寂寞的。