- I stroll down Fifth Avenue. 我漫步在第五大道上
- A huge crowd strolled down Fifth Avenue in the Easter Parade. 一大群人在复活节游行时走过第五街。
- Wait. I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village. 等一下,这车是不是经过第五大道,一直到格林尼治村那儿?
- B:Wait.I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village. 等一下,这车是不是经过第五大道,一直到格林尼治村那儿?
- I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village. 我想问一下,这车是否沿15大道直至格林威治村。
- Another came down Fifth Avenue to the corner of Twenty-sixth Street, took a general survey, and bobbled off again. 另一个人则沿着第五大道来到二十六街的拐角处,打量了一下整个的情形,又蹒跚地走开了。
- At last a lady in opera cape and rustling skirts came down Fifth Avenue, accompanied by her escort. 最后,出现了一位太太。 她戴着歌剧里戴的斗篷,穿着沙沙作响的长裙,由她的男伴陪着沿第五大道走过来。
- A huge crowd strolled down Fifth Aenue in the Easter Parade. 一大群人在复活节游行时走过第五街。
- After that, if the night was mellow, I strolled down Madison Avenue past the old Murray Hill Hotel, and over 33rd Street to the Pennsylvania Station. 在那以后,如果天气宜人,我就沿着麦迪逊路溜达,经过那座古老的默里山饭店,再穿过三十三号街走到宾夕法尼亚车站。
- See me walking down Fifth Avenue 看到我在第五街散步
- I thought it was all straight up and down like Fifth Avenue. 我认为它的一切都像第五大道一样笔直。
- How do I get to the Fifth Avenue? 去第五大街怎么走?
- I meet him by chance on Fifth Avenue. 我偶然在第大街上遇到他。
- I can let you off at Fifth Avenue. 我可以在第五大道让您下车。
- A week later, I strolled down to the ground floor( ground zero for me) and unearthed my test from the heaps of exams. 一个星期后,我闲逛到了一楼(对我来说是零楼就象我的分数)从试卷堆里挖出了我的那一份。
- With absentminded unease, I stroll to the window. 怀着茫然的不安,我信步走到窗前。
- Paul continued to stroll down the street. 保罗继续在街上漫步。
- Shall we go to a restaurant in the Fifth Avenue where I often drop in? 我们去第五大道我常去的那家餐厅好吗?
- Fifth Avenue is a good place for window-shopping. 第五大道是逛街的好去处。
- The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. 超市在第五大街。