- I smoke heavily. 我吸烟很厉害。
- I used to smoke cigarettes; now I smoke a pipe. 我过去常抽卷烟;现在我抽烟斗。
- I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, max. 我一天至多抽一包香烟。
- Do you mind if I smoke? Not in the least. 我抽烟你介意吗?一点也不介意。
- May I smoke here - No, you must not. 可以在这里抽烟吗?不可以。
- I used to smoke cigarettes ; now I smoke a pipe. 我过去常抽卷烟;现在我抽烟斗。
- Ould you mind if I smoke in the office next door? 我在隔壁办公室吸烟你介意吗?
- Would you mind if I smoke a cigarette? 我能抽一支烟吗?
- I smoke marijuana every chance I get. 我一有机会就吸大麻叶。
- I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day,max. 我一天至多抽一包香烟。
- WANG BING: Do you mind if I smoke? 王冰:我吸烟你介意吗?
- When I smoke, I have a coughing spell. 当我抽烟时我就会咳嗽。
- I smoke out of habit,not for pleasure. 我抽烟是出于习惯;而不是乐趣.
- Excuser me.Would you mind if I smoke? 抱歉。你介意我抽烟吗?
- I smoke out of habit, not for pleasure. 我抽烟是出于习惯,而不是为了乐趣。
- Sure. By the way, can I smoke here? 好的。顺便问一下,这里可以抽烟吗?
- Would it bother you if I smoke ? 如果我抽烟会打扰你吗?
- I smoke old stogies I have found. 我抽我找到的廉价雪茄,
- After all,it might just be that smart college students tend to smoke lightly while others smoke heavily. 毕竟,这有可能只是因为聪明的大学生吸烟较少而其他人吸烟较多。
- Do you mind if I smoke here [excuse myself for a while]? 我在这儿抽烟[离开一会儿],你不在意吧?