- I smiled simperingly. " / 我做著假笑微笑。
- I passed her in the street but she didn't even acknowledge me when I smiled. 我在街上遇到她,可是当我向她微笑时,她却连招呼都没有向我打一个。
- He smiled and I smiled back. As you do. 他微笑,我也报以微笑。真所谓礼尚往来。
- I smiled at the sight of my mother at the airport. 在机场看到了妈妈时,我笑了。
- I smiled as the conversation came back to my mind. 当这段谈话在我的脑子里重新出现的时候,我微笑起来。
- Upon seeing her, I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了, 并跑了过去。
- In my dream,I smiled in an ocean of flowers. 在梦里,我在花丛里微笑。
- He said I was really human when I smiled. 他说: 你笑的时候,很有人情味。
- I smiled, silently but contentedly. 我无声的笑了,笑得有些得意。
- I was gleeful, I smiled naively, I spoke freely. 我高兴,我没有挂虑地微笑,我不假思索地随口讲话。
- Mother smiled, and I smiled too. 妈妈笑了。我也跟着笑了。
- I smiled constrainedly and said goodnight to him. 我冲着他勉强笑笑,道了一声晚安。
- I smiled, and I hoped the smile looked genuine. 我笑了,而且希望我的笑容看上去很真诚。
- I smiled , I shouted to the sky : Come on !!!!!!!!! 做个微笑的动作,对着天空大叫一声:加油吧!!!!!!!!!!!
- I smiled my widest, toothiest grin. 我咧嘴一笑,牙齿都露了出来。
- I smiled back and said "Goo goo goo. 我微笑着对她说:“咕,咕,咕。”
- Facing the storm of life, I smile, with you. 微笑着面对人生的风雨。
- In the meanwhile I smile and I sing all alone. 此刻我独自歌吟浅笑。
- I smile, even a raining day, my sky is bright. 我每天微笑,即使是雨天,我的心情也是晴朗的。
- I look at you and me and I smile. 就要看你我在一起,只有微笑聊以蔚籍。