- I offen watch movies. 我经常看电影。
- I watch movies when they're playing in the theater. 我在电影院看电影。
- I offen go to a dentist in Japan. 我常去日本看牙医。
- So I usually watch movies, I listen to music, I try to memorize the lyrics. 我通常会看看电影,听听音乐,每次我都要努力把歌词记住。
- Where do you watch movies most? Theatre? DVD? 你在哪看电影?剧场?
- We usually watch movies once a month. 我们通常一个月看一场电影。
- Come on! Do you ever watch movies? 拜托!你到底看过电影没?
- Do you watch movies at home or in theater? 你在家里还是在电影院里看电影?
- Does Steves want to watch movies? 史蒂夫想去看电影吗?
- Afterward they watch movies, nap or go for walks in the woods. 午饭后布什夫妇有时看电影,小睡一会儿或有时在林中散散步。
- They sometimes watch movies,nap or go for walks in the woods. 他们有时看电影,小睡一会儿或有时在林中散散步。
- Besides studying, we also eat and watch movies together. 除了读书,我们还一起吃饭、看电影。
- He finds watching movies frustrating. 他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧。
- Watching movies has a strong temptation to us. 看电影对我们来说有十分强烈的诱惑。
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- In his spare time, he likes to watch movies and pratice martial arts. 他喜欢利用业余时间去看电影和练武术。
- Has editing movies affected the way you watch movies you haven't worked on? 剪辑电影是否影响你看其他不是你制作的电影的感觉?
- Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming. 我去游泳,请代我保管这表。
- She has no desire to watch movie today. 她今天不想去看电影。
- He took his laptop with him on the trip, so he could watch movies anywhere. 他把他的笔记型计算机带着去旅行,这样他到那里都可以看电影。