- I met him by a happy chance. 我由於运气好而遇到他。
- I met him by chance at Canterbury Cathedral. 我是在坎特伯雷大教堂偶然地碰到过他。
- By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked. 在我受到攻击时,幸好有个警察经过。
- I had no idea he was there. I met him by chance. 我不知道他会在那儿,我是偶然碰见他的。
- I meet him by chance on Fifth Avenue. 我偶然在第大街上遇到他。
- I met him in a party and I've taken a fancy to him by the first sight. 我在聚会上见到他第一面就对他一见钟情了。
- I met him in a hot and breathless afternoon. 我是在一个又闷又热的下午遇到他的。
- I met him on a starry winter evening. 我是在一个满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。
- I meet him in the street by chance. 我在大街上偶然碰见了他。
- I met him in the park by chance. 我很意外地在公园里碰到他。
- I met him in a hotel lobby last Monday. 上星期一我在一家旅馆的休息厅见到他。
- I met him in the street by chance yesterday. 昨天我偶然在街上遇见了他.
- I met him by chance. 我偶然遇到了他。
- As chance would have it, I met him at a dinner party. 我凑巧在一次宴会上碰到他。
- He was walking towards town when I met him. 我遇到他时,他正往镇上走去。
- But I met him in the parking lot just a moment ago. 但是我刚才在停车场看见他了。
- I know him by name,but I have never met him. 我仅闻其名,未见其人。
- I met him at a rendezvous outside the city. 我在城外约定的集会中和他会晤。
- During the Cultural Revolution, I met him by chance.I looked up to him as my teacher and learned my whip rod skills from him. 我在文革当中后来跟他有偶然的机会能认识他,拜他为师之后我就学这个鞭杆。
- As chance would have it, I met him at the station. 我偏偏在车站遇到他。