- I laughed and napped. 为什么是衣柜,因为那里充满了他的味道。
- I laughed and dozed ,then roused and read again . 我笑了一阵,小睡了一会儿,然后醒来,又看起书来。
- I laughed and dozed , then roused and read again . 我笑了一阵,小睡了一会儿,然后醒来,又看起书来。
- When as child I laughed and wept ,time crept . 小时候,在欢笑和泪水中,时间慢慢爬过;
- I laughed and called her an alcoholic. 我笑了,还说他是个酒鬼。
- When as a child I laughed and wept*,time crept *. 小时候,在欢笑和泪水中,时间慢慢爬过;
- In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on. 尽管我很苦闷,但我也还是笑了,并继续往前走。
- Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded," Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze. 我可以拥抱你吗?"我笑了起来,热情地答道:"当然可以啦!"她紧紧地拥抱了我。
- She never laughed and became very sullen. 她再也没有笑过,变得郁郁寡欢。
- I laughed and opened my book bag, pouring out Penguin paperback novels by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Turgenev. 我笑了,打开书包,倒出一堆“企鹅平装版”(知名品牌,但价格不高)小说,有托尔斯泰的,有陀思妥耶夫斯基的,还有屠格涅夫的。
- I laughed, and with pride I said "Goo gah. 我笑了,很自豪地说:“咕,嘎。
- I laughed and told him about the Harry Totter bit and when he responded I knew his voice sounded very familiar. 他回答的时候,我觉得他的声音真的很熟悉。
- Mark laughed and went to collect his winnings. 马克笑著去领取他的奖品。
- Can I give you a hug? " I laughed and enthusiastically responded," Of course you may! " and she gave me a giant squeeze. 我可以拥抱你吗?"我笑了起来,热情地答道:"当然可以啦!"她紧紧地拥抱了我。
- I have had periods of tearfulness and crying that alternated with times when I laugh and joke excessively. 我有时会抑制不住的热泪盈眶,有时又会过度的爱开玩笑。
- I laugh, I run, I leap and I sing for joy. 我在这片土地上笑啊,跑啊,跳啊,尽情地歌唱。
- They all laughed and I apologized profusely. 他们都笑了起来,我是一直在道歉。
- We could never tell people that at 3pm they must go and nap. 我们肯定不能告诉人们,在下午3点时必须去打个盹儿。
- I laugh and roll over in my bed, and they think I've grown more childish. This makes me laugh all the more and makes me want to tell them what is really in my heart. 我笑着,有时在床上打滚,她们都说我越小孩气了,我更大笑起来,我只想告诉她们我想的是什么。
- The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap, but I laughed outright. 那侍女忍住了笑去拿睡帽,我却放声大笑起来。