- I know he meant business. 我知道他不是开玩笑的。
- I know he is a bit up the pole, financially. 我知道他经济上有点拮据。
- I know he had a good time last night, didn't he? 我知道他昨天晚上玩得很愉快,不是吗?
- The chairman dotted no i's but everyone know he meant the man. 主席没讲清楚是谁,但谁都知道他指的就是那个人。
- By the fire in his eyes we know that he meant business. 从他愤怒的眼神中,我们看出他不是说着玩的。
- I know he's careful with money, but calling him mean was bound to ruffle his feathers. 我知道他把钱看得很重,但叫他小气鬼会使他不高兴的。
- When he said he would do it, he meant business. 他要是说了要做这件事情,那就是真的要做。
- I know he is a sailor by the cut of his jib. 我一看他的样子就知道他是一个水手。
- This time he wasn't fooling; he meant business. 这次他可不是闹着玩的, 他说到做到。
- This time he wasn't fooling, he meant business. 这次他可不是闹着玩的,是当真的。
- As far as I know he is a teacher. 据我所知他是个教师。
- Mr.Lee said he would major in history and he means business. 李先生说他要专攻历史,他是决心认真干的。
- I knew he wasn't to be depended upon. 我知道他不可信赖。
- I know he has only nibbled at the project. 我知道他只不过是初步接触了一下这个项目。
- He means business: he really will shoot us if we try to escape. 他不是说著玩的; 我们要是逃,他真会开枪。
- I know he is a man who keeps his appointment. 我知道他是个守约的人。
- You could tell he meant business by the expression on his face. 根据他的脸部表情,你能够看出来他不是随便说说的。
- He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead. 他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。
- I knew he wasn't trustworthy the minute I set eyes on him! 我第一眼就看出他不是一个值得信赖的人!
- Though nobody believed his story, he meant business. 虽然没有人相信他的话,他却很认真。