- I hear the door open. 我听到门开了。
- The hairs on the back of my neck prickled when I heard the door open. 听到开门声,我颈后汗毛倒竖。
- As I was about to sit down, I heard the drawing-room door open and a light footfall made a floorboard creak.Then the door to the landing slammed shut. 当我坐下的时候,只听到客厅里开门的声音,地板上响起了一阵轻微的脚步声,随后楼梯平台的门重重地关上了。
- Her mother started when she heard the door open . 她母亲听到门开了,吓了一跳。
- They left the door open in order for me to hear the baby. 他们开着门以便让我听到婴儿的动静。
- I heard the door slam behind him. 我听见他随手砰地把门关上了。
- My mother started when she heard the door open. 妈听见门打开时,猛然一惊。
- We heard the door open and close. 我们听到开门和关门的声音。
- Whenever I hear the story, I cannot help crying. 每次我听这故事,就忍不住要哭。
- No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door. 当我听到敲门声, 我马上就开门了。
- I get excited whenever I hear the playing of our national anthem. 每当我听到我们国歌的演奏都很激动。
- Do not smash the door open ; I can find the key . 不要破门而入,我能找到钥匙。
- Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗?
- I scold him for having left the door open . 我责备他没有关门。
- When I heard the door swing to behind me,I knew that I was locked out. 我一听到门在我身后自动关上的声音,便知道被锁在外边了。
- When I heard the knock at the door,was the frightened out of my senses. 一听见有敲门声我就吓得六神无主。
- He flung the door open with violence. 他猛然将门打开。
- I hear the Johnsons have patched up their quarrel with the Jacksons. 我听说约翰逊一家与杰克逊一家已经和好了。
- Hearing the bad news, Tom hurried to the hospital, leaving the door open. 一听到这坏消息;汤姆门都不关;就急匆匆赶往医院.
- I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。