- I give an affirmative answer. 笔者给予肯定的回答。
- Xu, at el but also give an affirmative answer to the open question of Rhoades_Naimpally_Singh in convex metric spaces. Xu等人的相应结果 ,而且对Rhoades_Naimplally_Singh所提出的公开问题 ,在凸度量空间的框架下给出了肯定的答复·
- At present I can't give you an affirmative answer. 目前我没法给你一个肯定的答复。
- Facts have already given us an affirmative answer. 事实回答是有的。
- We are expecting an affirmative answer. 我们盼望得到肯定的答复。
- Who can make an affirmative answer? 谁能给一个肯定的答复.
- Who can give an affirmative response? 谁能给一个肯定的答复.
- I gave an apple to each of the boys. 我给每个男孩一个苹果。
- Expressing an affirmative answer(yes) but acknowledgeing that it is not good news. 表示肯定的回答,但是承认这并不是什么好消息。
- I gave an honest account of what transpired. 我如实地描述了所发生的事。
- This can serve as an affirmative answer to a question proposed by Coleman(1982). 这个例子肯定地回答了Coleman(1982 )提出的一个问题。
- I prefer to be obeyed at once when I give an order. You hear me. Go! 我喜欢发出命令后立刻照办不误。你听明白了。请罢!
- Would to God, both for your sakes and ours, that an affirmative answer could be truthfully returned to these questions! ??了你们也??了我们,但愿上帝真能听到对这些问题的肯定回答。
- I gave an expensive gold watch to my mother. 我送了母亲一块贵重的金表。
- Ask a skilled bench jeweler whether a popular jewelry design can be made with a colored stone, and the odds are you'll receive an affirmative answer. 若要问一个熟练的珠宝匠一件流行首饰是否能用彩色宝石制作,你得到的回答多半是肯定的。
- I gave an affidavit to the judge about the accident I witnessed. 我向法官提交了一份关于我目击的事故的证词。
- I gave an untested employee a chance,and he bombed it big time. 我把任务交给一位没有接受过考验的职员,他花了很长的时间才组织了这次会议。
- I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输,告诉我答案吧。
- Every theory of education in our sense will, then, assume an affirmative answer to the first question, though it may do so dogmatically, without discussion. 那么,在我们的意义上,每一种有关教育的理论,对第一个问题都设想一种肯定的回答,虽然它可能是这样的武断,没有讨论。
- I can't give you an affirmative reply now. 目前我没法给你一个肯定的答复。