- They grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets. 当我给他们糖果时,他们高兴地咧开嘴笑了。
- I gave them the book. 我把书给了他们。
- The thirsty plants drink up the water I gave them . 干旱的植物把我浇的水都吸收了。
- The thirsty plants drink up the water I gave them. 干旱的植物把我浇的水都吸收了。
- I gave the bookseller an order for the book. 我从书店订了那本书。
- In private, I gave them my candid opinion. 私下里,我对他们直言相告。
- I gave them the bag of pease which the captain had brought me to eat, and bade them be sure to sow. 我又把船长给我送来的一口袋豆子送给他们,叮咛他们一定要拿来下种。
- Tom is the student to whom I give the book. 汤姆是我把书给他的那个学生。
- Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. 卡纳克人,塔卡荷人,国会议员,黑人,我相同地给予他们,我相同地接纳他们。
- The book I gave you is well worth reading. 我给你的那本书很值得读。
- For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. 因为你所赐给我的道,我已经赐给他们,他们也领受了,又确实知道,我是从你出来的,并且信你差了我来。
- That girl gave them the rough edge of her tongue. 那姑娘把他们痛骂了一顿。
- Gave them the cottage for a week. 把小木屋暂让给他们一个星期
- He gave them the run of his garden. 他准许他们随便参观他的花园。
- Just give them the facts without editorializing. 只告诉他们事实而不要掺杂主观评论意见。
- The thirsty plants drink the water I gave them . 干旱的植物把我浇的水都吸收了。
- Could you find an answer to your problem in the book I gave you ? 你能在我给你的那本书中找到你的问题的答案吗?
- Who gave them the order to kill? 什么人指使军队去杀?
- They were all thirsty so I gave them a drink. 他们都口渴了,所以我给了他们一杯饮料。
- The real estate agent gave them the keys. 真正的房地产经纪人给了他们钥匙。