- I felt my back beaten. 我感到有人打了我的背。
- When I tried to lift a heavy suitcase, I felt my back snap. 当我想提起一个重皮箱时背部感觉剧痛。
- I feel a twinge in my back now and again. 我不时感到背痛。
- I feel my fingers are all thumbs today. 我觉得我今天笨手笨脚。
- I felt somebody put his hand on my back. 我感到有人把手放在我的背上。
- I felt my flesh crawl as he described the murder. 他描述凶杀案时我浑身直起鸡皮疙瘩。
- There are times when I feel my present job is too much for me. 我有时候常觉得现在的工作对我来说太艰苦了。
- Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back. 然后,钻孔机钻头压断了我的后背,我痛的几乎麻木了。
- When I tried to get something off a high shelf, I suddenly felt my back snap. 当我想从高架橱柜拿下东西时突然腰部感觉剧痛。
- Before I had gone a few yards, I felt a tug on my back. 还没有走出几步,我感觉后背被人猛拽了一下。
- I felt my knowledge was insufficient. 我感到知识不足。
- I felt my heart beat violently. 我感觉到自己的心跳得很厉害。
- I felt my opinion didn't count for much. 我感觉我的看法不是很重要。
- Only then I felt my heart was free. 此时此刻我才感到自由的心灵。
- I felt my attention wandering during the lecture. 我感到听讲座时老走神。
- I felt my head bump against something. 我感觉到我的头撞上了什么东西。
- I felt my heart pulsate with the aftershock. 我感觉到自己的心和余震在一起震动!
- I reveled in nature, I felt my heart was very wide. 我陶醉在大自然中,我觉得心胸很广阔。
- I felt my chin drop, my mouth opin in astonishment. 我觉得我的下巴下降,我的惊讶嘴里奥平。
- I felt my jaws clench and teeth grind together. 我感到双颚紧闭,牙齿紧紧咬在一起。