- I engaged him in conversation. 我让他加入谈话。
- She engaged him in conversation. 她正和他谈话。
- She tried desperately to engage him in conversation. 她用尽办法要他跟她谈话。
- We tried to engage him in conversation, but in vain. 我们设法使他和我们谈话,但没成功。
- We engaged him in conversation. 我们让他加入谈话。
- I saw him in conversation with a friend. 我看见他和朋友谈话。
- Mr. Grabber has been delayed for an appointment with a visitor. Miss. Malone received the visitor and had to engage him in conversation until her boss arrived. 格雷勃先生耽误与客人的约会,莫隆小姐接待了客人并与客人的谈话等待上司的到来。
- That bit of wire had engaged him in a game of hideand-seek. 这一根铁丝同他玩起捉迷藏来了。
- That bit of wire had engaged him in a game of hide-and-seek. 这一根铁丝同他玩起捉迷藏来了。
- The young men treated him with great civility, and gradually engaged him in a conversation. 这位年轻人对他非常客气,渐渐与他交谈起来。
- The young men treated him with great civility, and gradually engaged him in a conversation . 这位年轻人对他非常客气,渐渐与他交谈起来。
- I engaged the clutch and the car moved forwards. 我踩下离合器,汽车便朝前开了。
- I concur with him in many points. 我和他在许多论点上意见是一致的。
- I ministered to him in his last hours. 在他临终时我在身边侍候。
- engage him in conversation 使他参加谈话
- Rob engaged his mother-in-law in conversation. 罗布设法使他的岳母参加谈话。
- I've never spoken ill of him in my life. 我这辈子从来没说过他的坏话。
- They were engaged in conversation. 他们正谈得来劲。
- I met him in a hot and breathless afternoon. 我是在一个又闷又热的下午遇到他的。
- I took sides with him in the dispute. 在那次争辩中我支持他。