- I clean my head every two days 我两天洗一次头
- QUESTION How do I clean my Razer Tarantula keyboard? 我如何清洁狼蛛键盘?
- I have a final every three days and I have an injured player every two days. 平均每三天我都会有一场决赛,更要命的是平均每两天我就有一个球员受伤。
- I clean my bedroom ______ I _____ _____ in the morning . 早晨起床后我要打扫卧室卫生。
- I cleaned my shoes, and John cleaned his. 我擦我的鞋,约翰擦他的。
- I cleaned my room on Sunday morning. 我打扫我的房间了在星期天的早晨。
- On Sunday morning, I cleaned my room. 星期天早上,我打扫我的房间。
- The regulation of Article36 of every two weeks a two days rest is exempt here. 三二周内至少有二日之休息,作为例假,不受第三十六条之限制。
- On Saturday morning,I cleaned my room. 在星期六早上,我打扫我的房间。
- He admits using a luxury car isn't all plain sailing - he has to clean it twice a day and the 12 cylinder, six-litre engine guzzles an average of $120 worth of fuel every two days. 有喝彩的,也有不以为然的。他承认豪华车开起来代价不菲,比如,需要两天就洗一次车,此外,每两天在排量六升的十二缸引擎需要花费一百二十块油钱。
- I hear from my cousin every two weeks. 我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。
- I hear from my cousin every two months. 我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信。
- The old lady carefully fed the hen and the hen laid eggs from one egg every two days to one egg every day. 老太太精心喂养那只鸡,由两天下一只蛋直到每天下一只蛋。
- I was dazed by the blow on my head. 我的头挨了一击而觉得晕眩。
- Methods Poured 2% mixed liquid into Tiantu acupoint, once every two days, four times were one period. 方法2%25普鲁卡因混合液于天突穴注入,隔日一次,四次一疗程,每例病人注射1-2个疗程。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。
- I use an oily rag to clean my bike with. 我用沾满油污的碎布擦我的自行车。
- I can't reach it; it's well above my head. 我够不着,它远远超过我的头顶。
- I can't tell you the answer off the top of my head. 我不经考虑无法告诉你答案。
- I had to scratch my head to remember his name. 我只想苦苦地回忆他的名字。