- I caught on it and thud I tried to correct him by telling him that "must" was not a good word. 我发现这个问题,马上给他纠正,告诉他“你必须”不是一个好的词语。
- I catch on to the job gradually. 渐渐地我明白这工作怎么做了。
- We simply tell Sylvia once,and she will soon catch on it. 我们只须告诉西尔维娅一次,她马上就能理解。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- I catch on it. 我知道了。
- B: No. Luckily, I caught on just in time. 没有。很幸运地,我及时领会过来。
- It will go hard with you if I catch you smoking. 如果我抓到你抽烟,你就麻烦了。
- I don't quite catch on to what she is saying. 我不太明白她在说些什么。
- My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it. 我的汽车自行其是--靠不住了。
- The fire flared up as I put more logs on it. 我加上了几块木柴,火顿时旺起来。
- I think I can come, but don't rely on it. 我想我能来,但还说不定。
- Wait till I catch the little perisher! 等著,瞧我逮住那小淘气!
- This is a nice tune and I think it'll catch on quickly. 这是一个很好的曲调,我想它很快就会流行起来。
- He's always the last to catch on. 他总是最后一个弄明白。
- I pulled back the bench to help the old man sit on it. 我把长凳往后拉,帮助老人坐下。
- The catch on my handbag is broken. 我的手提包的扣坏了。
- It seems like I catch a cold every winter. 我好像每年冬天都得感冒。
- The fire blazed up when he poured petrol on it. 他浇上汽油火就熊熊地燃烧起来了。
- Is this where I catch the bus for the train station? 坐公共汽车去火车站是不是在这里上车?
- When I opened them I saw her reach into the box again and pull out a little blue cloth purse with a silver catch on it. 当我睁开眼睛时,我看见她的手又伸进了盒子,拿出了一个蓝色小布钱包,上面有一条银色拉锁。