- I can hardly imagine such a scene. 我无法想像出这样的情景。
- I can hardly imagine there is such a huge workshop. 我几乎无法想象,竟有这么大的车间。
- I can hardly imagine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. 我简直不敢想象彼得在五天内横渡大西洋。
- Sexuality spices up your lives. I can hardly imagine what life would be like without it . 性使我们的生活乐趣大增,我很难想象没有性的生活将变成甚么样。
- I can hardly imagine anything, except perhaps the pulling of a tooth, that is equal to the pain caused by putting on a new flax shirt for the first time. 我难以想象有任何疼痛可以与第一次穿上一件新做的亚麻粗布衬衫带给我的疼痛相比,或许只有拔牙时的疼痛可以算作例外。
- One difference this year is that you have Derek Fisher. I can hardly imagine a player that would appear more ready to help steady the ship when things get rough. 问:今年有一点不同,因为我们拥有了费舍尔,我实在不能想象出除了他外还有谁能在风雨飘摇时帮助球队保持稳定。
- "I can hardly imagine at this time that [lifting the embargo] will be an early or easy decision," said Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the EU's external relations commissioner. “我不认为在这个时候消除禁运是以个太早或轻率的决定”,欧盟对外关系部长贝尼塔费列罗瓦尔达说。
- I can hardly conceive of your doing such a thing. 我很难想象你会做出这种事情。
- It's boiling hot today! I can hardly stand it. 今天天气像蒸笼一样热!我简直受不了。
- I can hardly wait to hear the news. 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。
- Gee, I can hardly wait till it's dark. 哎呀,我简直等不到天黑了。
- I can hardly imagine. 我几乎无法想象。
- Please clean the window as I can hardly see out. 请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。
- You can hardly imagine how fast Vera runs . 你几乎想像不出来维拉跑得多么快。
- One can hardly imagine a better place to invest. 人们恐怕难以想象其它更好的地方来投资。
- I'm so tired I can hardly (ie only with difficulty) stay awake. 我疲倦得简直昏昏欲睡。
- You can hardly imagine how fast Vera runs. 你几乎想像不出来维拉跑得多么快。
- There is so much noise in this restaurant; I can hardly hear you talking. 这个餐厅里太嘈杂了,我几乎听不到你说话。
- I have bought so many books this year that I can hardly keep count of them. 今年我买了很多很多书,连我自己也不知道到底有多少。
- I can hardly ask him directly for more money. 我绝不能直接向他多要钱。