- I can accommodate your wishes. 我可以迁就你的愿望。
- I can satisfy any of your wishes. 我今天会满足你的一切希望。
- I cannot but comply with your wishes now. 我现在只能仰承你的意愿了。
- Based on your wishes , the Longtai person can accommodate them quickly with the best quality and at the right price .we welcome people from all trades to palaver . 龙泰人能以快速、优质、适价满足你个性的需求,欢迎各路客商前来商洽。
- Based on your wishes, the Longtai person can accommodate them quickly with the best quality and at the right price.We welcome people from all trades to palaver. 龙泰人能以快速、优质、适价满足你个性化的需求,欢迎各路客商前来商洽。
- I can make your wish come true (Wish come true, woah. 我能实现你的愿望(实现你的愿望)
- Charter Service - Air charter services can accommodate your special handling and space requirements around the world. Charter Service-包机服务可满足您在全球的特别处理和空间要求。
- I'd be happy to defer to your wishes, but there's really nothing I can do about it. 不是我不买你的面子,实在这事不好办。
- I shall give up my claim, in submission to your wishes. 我将服从你的意愿,放弃我的要求。
- This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 这旅馆可供500位来宾住宿。
- I can't accommodate your request. 我不能接受你的请求。
- The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists. 这家旅馆可住五百名观光客。
- I can only marvel at your skill. 我对你的技术只有感到惊叹。
- They can always accommodate your time schedule. 他们总是能配合你的时间安排。
- Don't try to impose your wishes on us. 不要试图把你的愿望强加给我们。
- I can hardly conceive of your doing such a thing. 我很难想象你会做出这种事情。
- I have to regard your wishes in all matters. 在所有事情上,我应该尊重你的意见。
- I promise to respect your wishes. 我保证尊重你的意愿。
- One flat can accommodate a family of five. 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。
- I can accommodate you. 我能迁就你。