- I bade him begone. 我吩咐他走开。
- Some of the servants who saw him laughed at his poverty, and bade him begone. 仆人们看到他,有的嘲笑他的穷相,叫他走开。
- When Frick came to him, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his deliverance. 等佛里克来到他跟前,我就吩咐佛里克跟他讲话,告诉他,他已经遇救了。
- I bade him observe and remember how I was treated there; that he saw I was detained there by force. 我请他们看看而且记住我在这里怎样受人的虐待;请他注意我在这里是被人们用武力拘留的。
- When Frick came to him, I bade him speak to him, and tell him of his deliverance . 等佛里克来到他跟前,我就吩咐佛里克跟他讲话,告诉他,他已经遇救了。
- Some of the servants who saw him laughed at his poverty, and bade him begone 仆人们看到他,有的嘲笑他的穷相,叫他走开。
- The door closed silently.As I bade him good night I caught that desperate, hopeless smile again, like a meteoric flash over the rim of a lost world. 老头跟我来到车道拐弯处,门无声地关上了,同他道晚安时我又看到了那种绝望、无助的笑容,像从一个失去了的世界边缘上掠过的一颗闪光的流星。
- I charged him to keep close behind me, and not to stir, or shoot, or do anything, till I bid him. 我命令他紧跟在我后面,在没有得到我的命令以前,不得随便开枪,不得任意行动。
- I bid him defiance. 我根本就不把他放在眼里。
- I bid him farewell . 我向他告别。
- Ultimately, I decided not to take the room and reluctantly bade him good-bye. 最后,我决定不租那房间,并依依不舍地和他道别。
- Have you removed all the weapons as I bade you? 你照我的吩咐把所有的兵器都挪走了吗?
- What am I bid for this old book? 这本旧书;给我出什么价?
- Ultimately, I decided not to take the roomreluctantly bade him good-bye. 最后,我决定不租那房间,并依依不舍地和他道别。
- Mary cried when i bid her farewell. 我向玛丽道别的时候,她哭了。
- I bid 1000 dollars for that picture. 我对那幅画出价1000美元。
- I bid four dollars for that picture. 那幅画我出价4美元。
- I bid ten dollars for that picture. 那幅画我出价十元。
- He went to Mr. Perkins to bid him good-bye. 他去同珀金斯先生告别。
- What am I bid (for this painting)? (这幅画)给我个价, 诸位愿意出多少钱?