- If one day, I will take my cat, wandering out! 如果有那么一天,我会带上我的猫,出去流浪!
- I think I will take my raincoat as it may rain later. 一会儿可能下雨了,我看得拿着雨衣。
- Unfortunately, I will take my vacation in New Zealand during X'max. 每周二晚上是攀岩时间,周三晚几乎都会有些闲人去串串。
- I don't think it will rain,but I will take my umbrella,just in case. 我想不会下雨的,不过我还是早点出发,以防它万一早开。
- I Will Take My Leave 我要作别
- I will take my TOEFL exam tomorrow but I have no mood to practice the TWE at all. 陈绮贞在我高一升高二那年出道。
- I will take my mother to Tiantan Hospital and then look after her at home, so I couldn't go to school today. 因为今天我要带妈妈去天坛医院,然后在家照顾她,所以不能去上学了。
- In ease of my absence, who will take my place? 要是我万一不能来,谁来顶替我?
- "Wait for me, I will take my work," she said. "Come, what are you thinking of?" She said to Prince Ippolit. "Bring me my reticule. “请等一下吧,我来拿我的活儿,”她说,“您怎样啦?您想什么啦?”她把脸转向伊波利特公爵说。“请您把我的女用手提包拿来。
- If any human being, man, woman, dog, cat or half-crushed worm dares call me “middlebrow”, I will take my pen and stab him, dead. 最后扔下句很凶很暴力的话:谁要是敢说她没文化,就拿笔戳死谁,管它是男是女,阿猫阿狗,或者是半只虫:
- Maybe we haven't known each other, and I will take my bonafides and andor to set up the friendly bridge for cooperate between us! 可能你我还不相信,我将用我的真诚和热情,架起你我之间友好合作的桥梁。
- I will take care that my obligations to you shall be amply repaid. 我一定会加倍报答您对我的恩惠。
- I believe you will take my advice into account. 我相信你会认真考虑我的建议的。
- Keeping such faith, I will take my every step down to earth, and be a man of responsibilities not only to myself but also to others. 怀着这样的信念,我要把脚下的一步步脚印踩得扎扎实实,做一个能够对自己也能够对别人负得起责任的男人。
- I will take an examination tomorrow. 明天我将参加一场考试。
- At this stage, I will take anything. 到了这一步,我会来者不拒。
- He will take my life if I refuse. 要是我拒绝不照办,他就会结束我的性命。
- Just for today I will adjust myself to what is,and not try to adjust everything to my own desier I will take my "luck" as it comes. 就为了今天,我要调整自己适应一切,而不是让每一件事都合乎我的心愿。好运降临时我会好好把握。
- Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes. 仅仅为了今天,我将为社会所需而改变我自己,而并不是将所有事改变来达到自己的需要,当运气到来时,我将抓住它。
- If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin. 如果我头痛,我就服一片阿斯匹林。