- Hyssia cavernosan. 艺夜蛾
- The major arterial supply to the corpora cavernosa is derived from the internal pudendal artery. 阴茎海绵体的主要动脉供应来自于阴部内动脉。
- Star coral (Montastrea cavernosa) polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island. 意译:珊瑚:在自然界模式。星珊瑚水虫息开放是寻找食物接近小开曼岛。
- A two-part hydraulic prosthesis is implanted in the penis, replacing the corpora cavernosa. 水压假体系统分两部分,水泵和假体棒,被植入阴茎以代替阴茎海绵体的功能。
- Patterns in Nature: Coral Star coral (Montastrea cavernosa) polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island. 意译:珊瑚在自然界的模式。星状珊瑚虫张开为了寻找食品在靠近小鳄鱼岛。
- We then performed the Winter procedure, in which fistulas between the corpora cavernosa and the glans penis were created . 治疗上,最初采用阴茎海绵体血液抽吸、阴茎海绵体以冰水血管收缩剂冲洗,但无效。
- We then performed the Winter procedure, in which fistulas between the corpora cavernosa and the glans penis were created. 治疗上,最初采用阴茎海绵体血液抽吸、阴茎海绵体以冰水和血管收缩剂冲洗,但无效。
- As a result of sexual stimulation, the spongy bodies inside the penis (the corpus spongiosum and the two corpora cavernosa) become tumescent, i.e. are filled with blood. 作为性刺激的结果,阴茎内部的海绵体(一条尿道海绵体和两条阴茎海绵体)开始膨胀,即海绵体充血。
- Methods 8 cases were operated by this kind of procedure which comprised bilateral longitudinal incision of the corpora cavernosa and enlargement of the tunica albuginea using sapheneous grafts. 方法应用自体大隐静脉移植扩大双侧阴茎海绵体白膜、增大阴茎海绵体容积、增粗其周径,并切断阴茎悬韧带延长阴茎长度。
- Of 4 cases, one underwent the management of analgesics &intravenous fluids, one received aspiration and irrigation of the corpora cavernosa, the other two were treated by cavernosum spongiosum shunt. 结果:4例阴茎异常勃起均为慢性粒细胞白血病所致,均取得了较好疗效。
- With an understanding of the anatomy of the pelvic plexus and its branches to the corpora cavernosa, modifications in surgical technique made it possible to preserve sexual function. 这些手术技能的改善使得保留性功能成为可能。
- trabeculae of corpora cavernosa penis 阴茎海绵体小梁
- tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa penis 阴茎海绵体白膜
- caverns of corpora cavernosa penis 阴茎海绵体腔
- fibrous capsule of corpora cavernosa of penis 阴茎海绵体纤维囊
- pars cavernosa arteriae carotidis internae 颈内动脉海绵部
- Irrigation of corpora cavernosa for priapism 海绵体冲洗用于阴茎异常勃起
- Hyssia hadulinan. 哈艺夜蛾
- Hyssia adustan. 焦艺夜蛾
- Hyssia adusta draudt 蕉艺夜蛾