- Hypertext Mark Up Language Format 超文本标示语言格式
- Virtual Reality Mark up Language 虚拟现实标记语言
- In the XHTML specification,the language is once again only structural.Tags are used to mark up headings,paragraphs,lists,hypertext links and other structural parts of the document. 在XHTML规范中,该语言再次成为结构化的,标记用来标出文档中的题目、段落、列表、超级链接和其他结构化部件。
- In the XHTML specification, the language is once again only structural.Tags are used to mark up headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links and other structural parts of the document. 在XHTML规范中,该语言再次成为结构化的,标记用来标出文档中的题目、段落、列表、超级链接和其他结构化部件。
- The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. 办事员在回家前记好当天的日记帐。
- My floor is all marked up with their muddy boots. 我的地板全让他们那些沾满污泥的长筒靴弄脏了。
- If we add these mark up,we'll get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。
- If we add these marks up, we'll get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。
- Cars have been marked up recently. 最近汽车已涨价。
- My floor is all marked up with their muddy boots! 我家的地板上尽是他们的泥靴踩过的痕迹!
- If we add these mark up, we'll get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。
- Why do restaurants have to mark up drinks so much? 为什么饭店把饮料的价格提高的如此之多?
- How do I mark up the content of each list item? 我要怎样提高清单项目里物品的价格?
- The boy's white shirt was marked up with spots of ink. 那男孩的白衬衫上有墨水渍。
- The new tax made it necessary to mark up all the goods in the shop. 新税迫使商店所有的货都涨价。
- The child used his new crayons to mark up the kitchen walls. 这小孩用他的新蜡笔在厨房的墙上画许多印子。
- If we mark up Jones on two papers he will just scrape a pass. 要是我们给琼斯的两份卷子加分,他也只能勉强及格。
- What is the Best Way to Mark up the Title of a Document? 定义标题的最好方法?
- A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board. 一个男孩儿正忙于在一块板上记录赛跑成绩。
- Linguists study the way children pick up language, and find something useful for adults. 语言学家研究孩子们学语言的方法,发现一些大人也可适用的东西。