- Hypersecretory endometrium 过度分泌的子宫内膜
- Here is early secretory endometrium. 这是早期分泌期子宫内膜。
- This is normal secretory phase endometrium. 这是正常的分泌期的子宫内膜。
- This adenocarcinoma of the endometrium is more obvious. 图示子宫内膜腺癌。
- The level of androgen had no relation with endometrium hyperplasia. 雄激素水平的高低与子宫内膜增生无关。
- Spiral artery is the main nutrient vessel of the endometrium. 子宫螺旋动脉是营养子宫内膜的主要血管。
- If you don't stimulate the endometrium, you don't get any bleeding. 如果子宫内膜没有受到活化,就根本不会发生出血事件。”
- Hypersecretory gestational endometrium 过度分泌的妊娠子宫内膜
- The endometrium and its fluids play a major role in the reproductive process. 子宫内膜及其液体在生殖过程中起着重要作用。
- The presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus. 子宫膜出现在别的地方而不是子宫内。
- The dosage of Rabeprazole in patients with pathologic hypersecretory conditions aries with the indiidual patient. 对于患有病理性高分泌状况的病人,雷贝拉唑的用量需要个体化给药。
- Moreover the endometrium situated in the mesometrium was incomplete. 意外发现子宫系膜侧的子宫内膜缺损。
- Pathology proved cystic hypersecretory intraductal carcinoma.Her postoperative course was uneventful. 病患术后持续在门诊追踪治疗。
- These contractions occur allowing the uterus to expel its lining (endometrium). 这些收缩被发现有利于子宫剥落其内膜(子宫内膜)。
- Not all adenocarcinomas identified in an EMB are from the endometrium. 并非所有EMB(子宫内膜活检)发现的腺癌都起源于子宫内膜。
- Mucoregulatory agents reduce the volume of airway mucus secretion and appear to be especially effective in hypersecretory states. 在慢性呼吸道炎症疾病过程中,气道分泌细胞增生肥大、黏液分泌亢进,形成气道黏液高分泌。
- Rabeprazole is indicated for the long term treatment of pathological hypersecretory conditions including Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. 雷贝拉唑能够用于病理性的高分泌状况包括Zollinger-Ellison 症状具有长期的治疗作用。
- We reviews recent contributions to the mucus hypersecretory phenotype, the regulation mechanism and therapeutic avenues to control mucus hypersecretion. 本文从哮喘黏液高分泌特点、调控机制和药物治疗等方面对哮喘黏液高分泌进行综述。
- Endometrium regulated by sex hormone will encounter periodical changes including hyperplasia, peeling and repairing. 由性激素调控的子宫内膜,也随之发生增生、脱落和修复的周期性改变。
- Serotonin, somatostatin and gastrin releasing peptide positive cells were not found in fetal endometrium. 各胎龄组子宫内膜均未见血清素、长抑素及胃泌素释放肽阳性细胞。