- Provisional Rules of Guangdong Province Concerning the Management of Light Hydrocarbon Gas Fuel. 广东省轻烃燃气管理暂行规定。
- We used long cores in order to get hydrocarbon gas injection EOR efficiency , and got PVT parameters . 在室内开展了注烃气的长岩心驱替试验,用物理模拟的方法研究了注烃气提高采收率的幅度,并取得了流体的PVT参数;
- By monitoring and analysing hydrocarbon gas and its compositions of the formation. the coalbed depth can be predicted and coalbed coring position can be clamped. 气测录井过程中,通过对地层中烃类气体及组分监测分析,可以预测煤层出现的井深,卡准煤层取心位置。
- Calculating the concentration of hydrocarbon gases in rock by mud logging. 用气测资料计算岩石含烃浓度。
- Hydrocarbon gases, oil cracked gas and oil the main component of exhaust gas into hydrogen, methane, butane, ethylene, propylene, etc. 碳氢化合物气体中,石油裂解气和石油废气的主要成分为氢、甲烷、丁烷、乙烯、丙烯等;
- In order to study the origin of the natural gas, this paper conducts a series of thermal simulation, finds that carbonate sulfate and chlorate can increase the hydrocarbon gas yield. 为了查明民丰地区深层天然气成因,采用高压釜封闭体系实验模拟了高成熟盐湖相烃源岩的天然气生成过程。
- Oil and gas geochemical exploration technique is a direct deploration technique based on the detection of the subtle matters dominated by hydrocarbon gases. 油气化探技术以检测烃类气体为主的直接方法,具有快速、有效、成本低的优势,在天然气勘探中可发挥积极的作用。
- After bacterial degradation, the gas generation rate of Chlorella increased by 209%, and the value of hydrocarbon gases to non-hydrocarbon gases was doubled. 本文对比研究了枯草杆菌降解作用前后小球藻热模拟生成的气、油和类干酪根的特征。
- The solubilization effect of naphthenic acid on the component of long chain hydrocarbon gases is observed. 环烷酸类有机物对长链烃气组分有明显的增溶作用。
- Aromatic hydrocarbon gases venting from decompressional distillation process is treated by cooling and reclamation technique. 用冷却回收工艺对减压蒸馏放空的芳烃气体进行处理。
- The gas product of pyrolysis contain the CO, H2 and some hydrocarbon gases (the content of CO and H2 was higher than 72%) and can be used as clean fuel and rude materials of the syngas. 在污泥热解生成的气体产物中CO和H2总的质量分数最高可达72%25,可以作为洁净的燃料气体使用和合成气的原料。
- saturated hydrocarbon gas chromatography 饱和烃气相色谱
- Hydrocarbon microseepage is a basic method used to geochemically identify gas hydrate,and through tracing migration of hydrocarbon gases,we can indirectly recognize and assess gas hydrate. 烃类微渗漏是天然气水合物地球化学识别方法的基础,通过对烃类气体运移路径的追踪可以间接识别和评价天然气水合物。
- I'll refill my cigarette lighter with gas. 我将给打火机再灌满汽油。
- In comparison with the liquefied petroleum gases,light hydrocarbon gases have the advantages of lowcost,simple technology,low operating pressure,relatively small amount of invested capital,etc. 由于轻烃燃气与液化石油气混空气相比较,具有价格低廉、工艺简单、工作压力低、投资规模小等优点而吸引人。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- Abstract: The natural gases discovered in the central Bohai Sea mainly composed of hydrocarbon gases, of which the the Paleogene and older reservoirs are wet gases, while the Neogene are dry gases. 文章摘要: 渤海海域中部地区已发现的天然气主要为烃类气体,成熟度为成熟高成熟,古近系及以下储集层中的天然气为湿气,新近系的天然气多为干气。
- He cooks his meal with a gas stove. 他用煤气炉做饭。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。