- Hybrid late japonica rice 杂交晚粳稻
- High quality late japonica rice glutinous CMS line 优质晚粳糯稻不育系
- Direct-seeded late Japonica rice 直播单季晚粳稻
- Double-season late japonica rice with high yield 高产双季晚粳
- Breeding technique and understanding of mew cultivars of late Japonica rice 晚粳稻新品种选育的技术与体会
- Analisis on fine quality and high-yielding cultural techniques of single-crop late Japonica rice in Northern Zhejiang 浙北地区单季晚粳稻优质高产栽培技术分析
- Analysis on changes of characteristics of leading varieties in single-crop late japonica rice grown in Jiaxing region 嘉兴市单季晚粳稻主栽品种的性状变化分析
- Study on the Strategies of High Grain Yield for the Direct Seeding Single Late Japonica Rice in North Zhejiang 浙北地区单季晚粳稻直播栽培的高产途径研究
- A new japonica rice variety"Fengdao No. 高海拔粳稻新品种"凤稻17号"
- Japonica rice and conventional rice held the higher resistance to rice bacterial leaf blight than indica rice and hybrid rice did, respectively. 粳稻品种(系)对白叶枯病的抗性比籼稻好;常规稻对白叶枯病的抗性明显比杂交稻好;
- Late japonica rice 晚粳稻
- Furthermore, the distribution of hybrid indica combinations was concentrative with small variation on NAE, NUE and NHI, but that of conventional japonica rice was much scattered. 籼型杂交稻NAE的种质频数分布离散程度较高和高效种质较多,NHI的种质频数分布呈近似正态分布和略偏低效。
- The distributions of rice germplasms based on single NAE, NUE or NHI in conventional japonica rice and NHI in hybrid indica rice combinations resembled normal curve approximately. 频数分析可知,常规籼稻NAE、NUE及NHI和籼型杂交稻NUE的种质频数分布呈典型正态曲线,低、高效种质较少,中效种质众多;
- The resistance of Indica rice to blast was better than that of Japonica rice,and the risistance of hybrid Japonica rice was slightly better than that of routine Japonica rice. 鉴定结果表明:在被测的各种水稻类型中,籼稻品种对稻瘟病的抗性比粳稻好,而在粳稻类品种中,杂交粳稻对稻瘟病的抗性又略强于常规粳稻;
- Furthermore,the distribution of hybrid indica combinations was concentrative with small variation on NAE,NUE and NHI,but that of conventional japonica rice was much scattered. 籼型杂交稻NAE的种质频数分布离散程度较高和高效种质较多,NHI的种质频数分布呈近似正态分布和略偏低效。
- The resistance of Japonica rice to bacterial blight was higher than that of Indica rice,and the resistance of routine rice was higher than that of hybrid rice. 粳稻品种对白叶枯病的抗性比籼稻强,常规稻对白叶枯病的抗性比杂交稻强;
- The distributions of rice germplasms based on single NAE,NUE or NHI in conventional japonica rice and NHI in hybrid indica rice combinations resembled normal curve approximately. 频数分析可知,常规籼稻NAE、NUE及NHI和籼型杂交稻NUE的种质频数分布呈典型正态曲线,低、高效种质较少,中效种质众多;
- Shenyou 693, a New Late Japonica Hybrid Rice Combination 杂交晚粳新组合申优693
- The heterotic patterns of, japonica rice were also established. 结果表明,西北粳、台湾粳、日本粳和韩国稻为优势生态类型;
- Compared with inbred japonica rice,japonica hybrid rice had almost the same average values in all ten indexes except for CGP,which was 7 percentage point higher in hybrid rice than in inbred rice. 与常规粳稻比较,杂交粳稻各项米质指标的平均值除垩白米率高7个百分点外,其它9项米质指标基本相同。