- Hurler rs syndrome 赫尔勒氏综合征, 粘多糖病第一型, 脂肪软骨营养不良
- Jacod rs syndrome sphenopetrosal space syndrome 雅各特氏综合征
- Gilles de la Tourette rs syndrome 抽动秽语综合征, 面肌-声带抽搐综合征
- Ogilvie rs syndrome false colonic obstruction 奥吉尔维氏综合征
- The tribesmen picked up great rocks to hurl at us. 部落男子拣起大石块朝我们掷来。
- A good roper will hurl out the coil with marvelous accuracy and force. 一位优秀的套索捕马者会用奇准和神奇力量掷出绳索。
- The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work. 忘掉悲伤的最好方法是将自己投入到工作中去。
- If you hurl yourself at that boy, he's likely to run away. 若你拼命讨好那个男孩,他很可能被吓跑的。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- I'll hurl him out of the club if he dare tell the secret! 如果他胆敢泄密,我就要把他赶出俱乐部。
- Hurler rs disease 胡尔勒氏症
- To hurl abuse is in no way to fight. 谩骂决不是战斗。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- He hurl all his book out from the window. 他把书全都扔出窗外。
- To hurl or launch from or as if from a catapult. 射出从或似从弹弓上发射或射出
- To hurl or strike(a ball)into a basket or hole. 投球入篮或击球入穴
- After he hurl a few oath at his wife, he walk out. 对妻子大骂之后,他出去了。
- To cast, fling, or hurl something. 投、扔或掷某物
- To hurl abuse is no way to fight. 谩骂决不是战斗。
- The tribesmen picked up great rock to hurl at us. 部落男子拣起大石块朝我们掷来。