- A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing. 人类,是一堆可以随意拆卸的铅管零件的巧妙装配。
- After all, human being is the master of language. 但我最爱的还是我美丽的母语。
- Human being is evoluted from quadrumana. 因为人是从灵长目动物进化而来。
- One of the frailties of human being is laziness. 人性的弱点之一是懒惰。
- A human being is a social animal. 人类是一种群居动物。
- The applause of a single human being is of great consequence. 一句微不足道的赞赏却可能意义非凡。
- Human being is nothing but coelenterate who can use tools. 人类还不是会使用工具的腔肠动物?
- A human being is a single being, Unique and unrepeatable. 每个人都是独立的个体,独一无二。无法复制。
- The trunk of a human being is quite small compared to a gorilla. 与大猩猩相比,人类的躯干显得非常之小。
- Human being is a kind of animal fulling of different feelings. 第四,要分清现在分词和过去分词的使用场合。
- Human Being is end 人是目的
- The doctrine that the human being is purely animal with no spiritual nature. 人即兽理论主张人是纯粹的野兽,没有精神活动的理论
- According to Kant, the fundamental right of a human being is to be treated as an end in oneself, not merely as a means. 根据康德的观点,一个人的基本权利是他应把自己尊为目的而不是手段。
- P-of the company of all other human beings is a serious hardship. 与世隔绝是一件极难忍受的事。
- Out of the company of all other human beings is a serious hardship. 与世隔绝是一件极难忍受的事。
- Studying DNA of human beings is a form of scientific research. 研究人类DNA,是一门大科学。
- Sometimes, the life of human being is as brittle as thin glass. 有的时候人的生命如玻璃一样容易破碎。
- The essence of Hegel's end of art tells what is ended is not art, but the sublimed status of art as the highest objective and absolute need of human being. 摘要黑格尔艺术终结论的本质在于:终结的不是艺术,而是艺术作为人类的最高趣旨与绝对需要的崇高地位,是艺术作为真理最高表现形式的终结。
- Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. 每一个人生来就是一个先前从未存在过的崭新的个体。
- Humane design focusing on human beings is the aim and norm. 以人为本的人性化设计是设计的宗旨和目标;