- Hui nationality economy 回族经济
- The last part mainly evaluates the Hui Nationality's action in Xinjiang modemhistory, including the aspects of politics, economy, culture and so on. 第五部分主要是评价回族人民在近现代新疆的社会历史活动中的作用,包括政治、经济、文化等方面。
- The economy of the Hui nationality that the article tries autonomous county of the Hui nationality of big plant and Mohammedan the relation between is made discuss. 本文试就大厂回族自治县的回族经济与伊斯兰教之间的关系作一探讨。
- The national economy began to revive. 国民经济开始复兴。
- Hainan Hui nationality has been keeping all kinds of connection and intercourse with Moslem at home and abroad. 摘要海南回族长期以来一直与国内外穆斯林保持着各种各样的联系和往来。
- A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years. 在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。
- There are 1154 Kazak, 736 Uigur, 115 Hui Nationality, 51 Mongol, 55 Russian and 98 other minorities. 少数民族中哈萨克族考生1154人,维吾尔族考生736人,回族考生115人,达斡尔族80人,俄罗斯考生55人,蒙古族考生51人,其它如柯尔克孜族、锡伯族、塔塔尔族、满族、壮族共98人。
- The national economy was badly damaged by war. 国家经济被战争破坏。
- The Hui nationality should take their advantage, impose great importance on culture and develop education bard so as to develop at a fast speed. 回族只有利用好优势,重视文化,发展教育,才能促进自身的较快发展。
- At last several Hui nationality friends suggested he try working part time at a Muslim restaurant. 最后,一些回民朋友建议他可以试着在一家穆斯林火锅饭馆工作。
- The national economy stagnated because of the war. 由于战乱,国家的经济发展出现了停滞。
- The national economy disintegrated. 国民经济崩溃了。
- The state plays an irreplaceable role in the process of Hui Nationality to be a principal part of China. 国家在回族成为中华民族一员的过程中发挥了无可替代的作用。
- The national economy is beginning to look up. 国民经济正在开始好转。
- The Hui nationality regards a belief as Mohammedan nation, as inseparable as Mohammedan relation. 回族作为一个信仰伊斯兰教的民族,与伊斯兰教的关系密不可分。
- We should develop our national economy in breadth. 我们应该在广度和深度上发展我们的国民经济。
- Linxia as the birthplace of one of the Hui nationality is Islam in China most affected areas. 临夏为回族的发祥地之一,是伊斯兰教在中国影响最深的地区。
- Fairly fast growth of the national economy. 国民经济保持了较快增长的势头。
- The national economy is very strong now. 国民经济现在非常感激强大。
- Their national economy is stagnant. 他们的国家经济停滞不前。