- Hui styled architecture 徽派建筑
- Hui Style Architecture 徽派建筑
- From the Japanese style architecture, we can also see the designers' efforts in promoting Japanization. 东洋风情建筑呈现的是设计者想以建筑东洋化台湾的企图。
- Martyrs' Shrine in Taipei honors the heroes of China in buildings of palace style architecture. 台北市供奉革命先烈之宫殿式忠烈祠,建筑雄伟而庄严。
- Today, we takes you to the world of Soviet style architecture with Frederic Chaubin himself. 今天我们同弗雷德里克.;乔冰一起带您进入苏维埃风格建筑的世界。
- The thesis discusses types and features of Neo? Huizhou style architecture, and makes comments on design of Neo? huizhou style architecture. 文章探讨了新徽派建筑的类型和特征,对新徽派建筑的作品进行了评析。
- The entire group of Ming and Qing style architecture cleverly integrated with modern technologies, splendid,yong rong hua gui , flavor. 整组建筑巧妙地将明清风格与现代技术融为一体,富丽堂皇,雍容华贵,古朴典雅。
- The thesis discusses types and features of Neo? Huizhou style architecture, and makes comments on design of Neo? huizhou style architecture . 文章探讨了新徽派建筑的类型和特征,对新徽派建筑的作品进行了评析。
- The protection of Dai ganlan style architecture is the need of carrying forward the minority culture and developing tourism industry of minority regions. 傣族干栏式建筑的保护对弘扬傣民族文化、发展民族地区旅游业有着非常重要的意义。
- This paper generalizes the origin, diffuseness and distributing of the veranda style architecture in the world, and expatiates the evolution of the veranda style architecture in China. 本文简要概括了外廊式建筑在世界的起源、传播与分布,并重点阐述了外廊式建筑在中国的发展。
- Abstract:This paper generalizes the origin, diffuseness and distributing of the veranda style ar-chitecture in the world, and expatiates the evolution of the veranda style architecture in China. 摘要:本文简要概括了外廊式建筑在世界的起源、传播与分布,并重点阐述了外廊式建筑在中国的发展。
- WARP10 uses a deferred rendering style architecture where rendering commands are batched and rasterization only occurs when sufficient data is available to use all the CPU resources efficiently. WARP10采用递延使建筑在渲染命令批处理和光栅时,才会出现足够的数据可以使用所有的CPU资源效率。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- Design concept conveys : With clear fresh color, transparency &reflection materials to create sense of modernity. Simplistic lines in accordance to Chinese Anhui Style architecture. 设计概念说明:运用明快清新的色调及透明反射的装饰材料勾勒时尚,简单线条体现中国徽式建筑的淳朴味道。
- Jesus Christ is styled the Savior. 耶稣基督被称为救世主。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste. 那种建筑风格太华丽了,不对我的口味。
- Since the introduction of European style architectural style to face, so that these three tiers of the small plants seem more like a tuba villa. 由于建筑立面采用欧式风格,使得这些三层小厂房看起来更像是大号的别墅。
- The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。
- Although I have never met Wang Hui, I know him from hearing so much about him. 虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事很多,好象已经认识他了。