- Hui nationality literature 回族文学
- In light of the original relationships between Donggan literature and the three cultures, Chinese culture is its mother culture, for Dongan is the descent of Chinese Hui nationality. 从东干文学与三种文化的渊源关系可见,东干族由进入中亚的中国回族发展而来,中国文化是东干族的母族文化。
- Hainan Hui nationality has been keeping all kinds of connection and intercourse with Moslem at home and abroad. 摘要海南回族长期以来一直与国内外穆斯林保持着各种各样的联系和往来。
- There are 1154 Kazak, 736 Uigur, 115 Hui Nationality, 51 Mongol, 55 Russian and 98 other minorities. 少数民族中哈萨克族考生1154人,维吾尔族考生736人,回族考生115人,达斡尔族80人,俄罗斯考生55人,蒙古族考生51人,其它如柯尔克孜族、锡伯族、塔塔尔族、满族、壮族共98人。
- The Hui nationality should take their advantage, impose great importance on culture and develop education bard so as to develop at a fast speed. 回族只有利用好优势,重视文化,发展教育,才能促进自身的较快发展。
- At last several Hui nationality friends suggested he try working part time at a Muslim restaurant. 最后,一些回民朋友建议他可以试着在一家穆斯林火锅饭馆工作。
- The state plays an irreplaceable role in the process of Hui Nationality to be a principal part of China. 国家在回族成为中华民族一员的过程中发挥了无可替代的作用。
- The Hui nationality regards a belief as Mohammedan nation, as inseparable as Mohammedan relation. 回族作为一个信仰伊斯兰教的民族,与伊斯兰教的关系密不可分。
- Linxia as the birthplace of one of the Hui nationality is Islam in China most affected areas. 临夏为回族的发祥地之一,是伊斯兰教在中国影响最深的地区。
- Mark Twain is considered as "the true father of American national literature. 吐温被认为是“我们真正的民族文学之父”。
- Patriotism campaign in molern times, the Hui nationality's patriotism idea gets the enrichment and improvement, adds the new content. 在近现代爱国主义运动中,回族爱国主义思想得到了充实和完善,增添了新的内容。
- The last part mainly evaluates the Hui Nationality's action in Xinjiang modemhistory, including the aspects of politics, economy, culture and so on. 第五部分主要是评价回族人民在近现代新疆的社会历史活动中的作用,包括政治、经济、文化等方面。
- Mohammedan doctrine teachs law and formal standard, affecting the idea of Moslem of broad the Hui nationality and behaviour deeply. 伊斯兰教的教义教法与礼仪规范,深深影响着广大回族穆斯林的观念和行为。
- "Theories of Poetic Prosody in Yi's Ancient Poetics." Studies of National Literature Bimonthly, 1996-2 issue. "彝族古代经籍诗学体系中的诗体论说";《民族文学研究》1996:2.
- It is said that ”people of Chinese Hui nation have two knives, one is for cutting beef, the other is for Qie Gao”. 说到这切糕咱就不得不说说这名震京都的“年糕钱”钱老爷子家的切糕,到现在还保持着道道工序纯手工。嘿老字号咱要的就是这个劲儿。
- Translation benefits the very fabric of any national literature, indeed, any culture. 翻译对任何一国的文学结构,实际上对任何一种文化结构,都是有益的。
- This is all the same to the exposition for Marx and Engels to turn the national literature into the world literature. 这与马、恩的民族文学形成世界文学的论述有相同之处; “乡土文学”走向世界是时代潮流的使然。
- In order to survive and develop the Islam in China, the Hui nationality absorbed the nontypical religion ingredients of the Buddhism and altered these factors. 摘要在历史进程中,为了适应中国已有的文化格局,也为了伊斯兰教在中国的发展,回族对佛教文化中的某些“非典型性因素”进行了吸收和改造。
- This "thinking advantage" is the foundation of constructing "cosmopolitism" national literature. 这种“思维优势”正是建构“世界性”民族文学的基础。
- The proposal of constructing new socialist rural areas gives good opportunity to economical development of the Hui nationality areas, especially for the rural areas they live in. 摘要建设社会主新农村思想的提出,为回族经济,尤其是回族农村经济的发展提供了一个良好的契机。