- The most widely distributed is the Hui people. 最分散的是回族。
- They treated the Hui people as equals. 他们对回族平等相待。
- Like most Hui people, Zheng He was a Muslim. 与众多回民相同,郑和是一位穆斯林。
- They even helped the Hui people in their field work. 他们甚至帮助回民在地里干活。
- The Hui people's religious conventions prevent them from eating pork. 回回不吃猪肉,这是他们的习俗。
- State and social elite create the public order which involves Hui people unavoidably. 国家和社会精英创造了公共秩序,并使得这一扶序渗透到了回民社会中。
- Taer has a population of 38-thousand people, most of whom are ethnic Hui people. 塔尔镇的人口为三万八千人,其中大部分是回族人。
- More typical of the Hui people's concept of wealth is to have a “tianjing”, a tiny square courtyard in each house. 体现徽州人财富观念的还有“天井”,徽州每一所宅子中央都有这种叫“天井”的小院子。
- In areas inhabited by the Hui people, men usually wear a round brimless white cap. 回族聚居地区的男子多戴圆形无沿小白帽。
- III In respect to minorities, more studies are about Tibetan, Hui people, Uigur, Chuang and Yi people, and most of the subjects are students. 3在对个体民族的研究中,对藏族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族和彝族的研究比较多,但被试群体多为学生,研究样本单一。
- Looking at the 700 years development of Hui people in Yunnan, we find it was not only the history of ethnic relations, but also the history of economy and culture. 回顾云南回族700多年的发展历程,我们可以说云南回族的历史是一部经济史、文化史,同时也是一部民族关系史。
- Just like the buildings that you see in the Old Street of Tunxi the buildings here all have roofs that curved up at the ends a distinctive feature of the Hui people. 就像在屯溪老街看到的建筑一样,这些房子屋顶的两角都是翘上来的,这就是徽族房子的特色。
- It is concluded that the marriage idea dominated by Islamic culture is still playing an important role on the transformative trend of the present marriage system for Hui people. 结语部分说明了族际婚与族内婚的利弊,总结出以伊斯兰文化为主导的婚姻观念依然影响着回族聚居区的婚姻制度的走势。
- This article, on the basis of fieldwork, analyzes the status quo of the female mosque and its function in the society of Hui people of Changzhi and talks about its future development. 本文在田野作业的基础上 ,分析了女寺的现状及其在长治回族社会中所起的作用 ,并对其未来的发展做了一些思考
- The gene mutation frequency of serum mannose combin-ing agglutinator gene exon I at 52 site condon has a little difference among different nationalities? and the mutation degreee is higher in the Han peo-ple than in Hui people. 血清甘露糖结合凝集素外显子I52位密码子的点突变频率在不同的民族略有差异,汉族突变度显著高于回族。
- The several million Hui people countrywide have constructed various compact Islamic living communities, in which the traditional Islamic culture has been well preserved since then. 这些回族社区分布在全国各地,但由于各地回族社区在坚持伊斯兰文化的同时,又吸收了各地各民族的文化,从而使各地回族伊斯兰文化呈现出不同的地域性。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。
- People become uninhibited when they drink. 人一喝酒就会变得肆无忌惮。