- Hugankeli granula 护肝颗粒冲剂
- Objective: To determine the optimum technology of the Ku Huang granula. 目的:确定苦黄颗粒的最佳制剂工艺。
- Water-ring pelletizing machine will improve the appearance of granula. 水环切粒机使得粒子的外观得到较大的提升。
- Result The SRQ granula obviously augmented sweat perspiring in mice's voix pedis ,inhibited th... 结论湿热清颗粒具有一定的发汗、解热和促进肠蠕动的作用。
- This paper describes the granulating principle of the microspheric granula granulator from the view point of structure. 本文从结构上阐述了球形微丸造粒机的造粒原理,并简要介绍了球丸造粒方法。
- Objective: to observe the therapeutic effect of Quweining Granula on the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG). 目的:观察免煎祛萎宁颗粒剂治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的疗效。
- It manifested that Chaigeqingdu Granula was a good choice to hyperthermia caused by exopathogen. 表明该药是治疗外感高热(卫气同病型)较理想的药物。
- Objective:To fix optimum extracting craft of polysaccharides in Ajiaobuxue Granula. 目的:确定阿胶补血颗粒(当归、黄芪、大枣)中多糖的理想提取工艺。
- ObjectiveTo investigate the extract technology of compound HuangQi ChangNing granula. 目的探讨复方黄芪肠宁颗粒的提取工艺。
- CZ series vertical lifts vibrating by electric machinery are mainly used for lifting powder, granula... 发布者:贺梅所在地:河南新乡市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:
- Objective To observe the effect of Xiefeipingchuanling granula on bronchospasm caused by histamine in guinea pig. 目的观察泻肺平喘灵颗粒对组胺所致豚鼠支气管痉挛的影响。
- Objective :To investigate the anti-dysmenorrheal effects of Guifutongjing granula . 目的:研究归附痛经颗粒的抗痛经作用。
- OBJECTIVE To evaluate the antitussive expectorant,anti-asthma and anti-microbial effects of Feiqing granula(FQG). 目的研究肺清颗粒镇咳、祛痰、平喘和抗菌作用。
- Methods Gout granula was used to treat the acute gouty arthritis in rat modle induced by sodium urate crystal. 目的观察痛风颗粒对急性发作期痛风性关节炎大鼠的治疗作用,初步探讨其作用机制。
- You can see the ink roller ink sticky radiofrequent granula monochamus genicuate, Matt, and so on. 可以瞥见不朱辊上油不朱不收粘呈颗粒状、不朱无光华等本体。
- Meet the quality requirements of round dot should be granula, 2、smooth and burliness. 相符质量请供的网不面不该颗粒方侧、平洁、颓丧结名。
- Granula can be used as functional particle for making tablet.Inclined rotator is used in centrifugal granulating machine. 微丸作为功能粒子可用做时控片,口腔速崩片等片剂用颗粒。
- Abstract:Objective To establish a new method for analyzing the contents of harpagoside and cinnamic acid in Xuanmaiganjie granula. 目的用反相高效液相色谱梯度洗脱法测定玄麦甘桔颗粒中哈巴俄苷与肉桂酸的含量。
- OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of Yangxue Qingnao Granula on cerebral blood flow in subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) model rats during angiospasm. 目的:研究养血清脑颗粒对血管痉挛期的蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)动物模型脑血流的影响。
- Conclusion The method can be used for the quantitative analysis of harpagoside and cinnamic acid in Xuanmaiganjie granula. 结论所建方法可用于玄麦甘桔颗粒中哈巴俄苷与肉桂酸的含量测定。