- Second, we analyze particularly the situation of these reforms by means of deliberating the poetry theories of Gong Zizhen and Huang Zunxian and so on. 然后通过龚自珍、黄遵宪等人诗论具体分析了两翼变革情态。
- Huang ZunXian is one of the representatives of those who first came out of Celestial Empire and went abroad just when China was transited from conventional society to modern times. 黄遵宪是生活在从古代传统社会向近代社会转型的过渡时期,是近代中国第一批跨出“天朝上国”大门、走向世界的代表人物之一。
- The New Commenting of Huang Zunxian's Poetry 黄遵宪诗歌新论
- The Change of Huang Zunxian's Thought and Gang Lumen 黄遵宪思想的转变与冈鹿门
- A Renewed Study of Huang Zunxian's Contact with Qiu Fengjia 重评黄遵宪与丘逢甲的交往
- On the Regulated Verses of the Aged Poet Huang Zunxian 浅论黄遵宪晚年律体诗
- Another Interpretation of Huang Zunxian's "Poetic Revolution" 黄遵宪"诗界革命"用意别解
- Huang Zunxian's Thought and Practice of Learning and Experiencing for Use 黄遵宪的经世致用思想与实践
- Huang Zunxian's Thought of Administration of Prison Affairs and Police Affairs 黄遵宪的狱政警政思想
- The Geminate Poets in Late Qing Dynasty: Huang Zunxian and Qiu Fengjia 晚清诗坛双子星:黄遵宪与丘逢甲
- On the Relationship between Huang Zunxian and the Meiji Thoughts Circles 论黄遵宪与明治思想界的渊源关系
- The Newly-Found Poems outside Huang Zunxian's and Ding Ri chang's Poetic Collections and Their Research 新见黄遵宪、丁日昌集外诗及考订
- On Huang Zunxian's Statement "My Hand Writes Out My Feelings" and his Hakka Complex 略论黄遵宪"我手写我口"与客家情结
- On the diplomatic thought towards Japan of Huang Zunxian during the time when he was stationed in Japan 论黄遵宪驻日时期对日外交思想
- Review of the Study on Huang Zunxian in the Past Hundred Years and Expectations in the Study 近百年来黄遵宪研究的回顾与期望
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- Huang Zunxian 黄遵宪
- Please connect me with Mr. Huang. 请黄先生听电话。
- Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996). 黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。
- Hello. This is George Richter. I'd like to speak to Mr. Huang, please. 喂,我是GeorgeRichter。我想跟黄先生讲话。