- The inscription on the stone tablet was recorded in both Annals of Huaiqing Prefecture and Annals of Henei County of the Qing Dynasty. 碑文详述了朱载堉世系、生平和学术成果,是研究朱载堉学术思想的重要文献资料,对纠补正史之漏误有重要的价值。
- Huaiqing prefecture 怀庆府
- "I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture. “我替市政府当一天骂街的。”
- Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. 伊藤润二于1963年在日本岐阜县出生。
- In this way he came to the prefecture, then to the seminary. 他这样走到了省长公署,过后又到了教士培养所。
- Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. 学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。
- Prefecture The district administered or governed by a prefect. 管区:古罗马或法国高级官员管辖或统治的地区。
- It will be home-ported at Maizuru base in Kyoto prefecture. “爱宕”号驱逐舰将被部署在京都的舞鹤基地。
- Ancient Okayama prefecture legends describe Nurarihyon (lit. 从上面的画像可以看到滑飘爷爷的是一个衣冠整齐,长脖秃头的老者。
- Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. 西双版纳是云南省的最南县长的辖区。
- Another civil airport is being built in Ngari prefecture. 此外,另一个民用机场阿里机场正在建设之中。
- Caocao occupation Longnan toyang fu for Wudu Prefecture. 曹操占领陇南,以杨阜为武都太守。
- Company in 1992 in Okayama Prefecture in Japan to set up. 公司于1992年在日本冈山县成立。
- Akira Toriyama April 5, 1955, born in Japan's Aichi Prefecture. 鸟山明1955年4月5日生于日本爱知县。
- Praise God for the strong church in Wenzhou Prefecture. 感谢主,温州地区有信心坚强的教会。
- Ise Jingu, or Temple Ise, is located in Mie prefecture of Japan. 在三重县的伊势神宫是日本最重要的神宫之一,历代皇族每年都得到此参拜。
- Xigaze Prefecture set up in 1959, changed to Xigaze City in 1986. 1959年设日喀则县,1986年改为日喀则市。
- Taining Prefecture on stream in the northern part of Lake upstream. 上清溪位于泰宁县东北部,金湖上游。
- Linxia Autonomous Prefecture located in the capital city. 自治州首府设在临夏市。
- Miyako Fish Market is a major market in Iwate Prefecture. 宫鱼市场是一个主要的市场在岩手县。