- Huaguoshu Phosphate Mine 花果树磷矿
- An indepth research on location of footwall drawing points in Fanshan Phosphate Mine is made on the basis of ore-drawing cxpectcncy theory. 根据放出期望体理论,对矾山磷矿矿体下盘出矿点位置的确定进行了深入的研究。
- Main technology characteristic of common smooth-faced blasing and its aplication in laneway construction in Wengan Phosphate Mine are introduced. 介绍了普通光爆法技术及其在瓮安磷矿的应用情况。
- Xinpu Phosphate Mine, medium and small-sized, features Complicated hydrogeological conditions and marine sludge and heaving sand menacing underground operation. 新浦磷矿为一水文地质条件较复杂,海淤、流砂威胁井下开采的中小型矿山。
- Design method and basic principle for ABB elevator master control program is analysed taking Fanshan phosphate Mine auxiliary shaft elevator as an example. 以矾山磷矿副井提升机为例,分析ABB提升机主控程序的设计方法和基本原理。
- Because of its low cost, high space utilization ratio,reliable equipment running, easy operation and good work environment, the rack type of ground concentrate bin is adopted in the mineral processing plant of Wengfu Phosphate Mine. 瓮福磷矿选矿厂精矿仓首次采用网架式地面矿仓,造价低,空间利用率高,设备运行平稳可靠,操作灵活方便,工作环境好。
- Some transformations have been made for 4m hoister in Jinping Phosphate Mine, including reel repairation, steel cable feplacement, ax1e bush repairation, skip and deepth indicator transformation and rub belt of contracting brake replacement,ect. 介绍了锦屏磷矿4m卷扬机改造的内容,包括对卷筒进行修补、钢丝绳更新、轴瓦更新、箕斗及深度指示器的改造、抱闸磨擦带的更换等。
- The succesful use at cage car pusher as train shunter in Yonshaba of Kaiyang Phosphate Mine .first of its kind in China, increases the mechanization level of shaft mouth and hoisting capacity. 竖井罐笼提升矿车采用电动绳式推车机兼调列车,国内尚属初用,开阳用沙坝矿的成功使用提高了井口机械化水平和罐笼提升能力。
- The application of industry TV in production system in Kaiyang phosphate Mine Group Company,and its working characters,installation and adjustment,problem and resolvent are expounded. 阐述了工业电视在开磷集团公司矿区生产系统的应用、工作特点、安装调试、应用中的问题及解决措施。
- Xinpu Phosphate Mine is the first among mines in China to introduce the mine drainage by drift and drill bole in design. 新浦磷矿设计中采用的巷道与地表直通式放水钻孔联合疏干技术,属国内首次使用。
- On the basis of field investigation of engineering geology, rock mass classification is made for a large phosphate mine according to NGI classification method and its rockmass strength is estimated. 针对某地下采空区矿柱稳定性问题,在现场工程地质调查的基础上,按照NGI岩体质量分类法对该矿区岩体质量进行了分类,并由此对其岩体强度作出了估算。
- Two phosphate mines ,one in Hubei and the other in Guizhou,are being speedily built. 两座磷矿,一座在湖北,一座在贵州,正在加速建设。
- Two phosphate mines, one in Hubei and the other in Guizhou, are being speedily built . 两座磷矿,一座在湖北,一座在贵州,正在加速建设。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Phosphate mining has resumed with the government claiming there is another 30 years of reserves up in the scarred interior. 磷肥的开采也因为政府声称在满目疮痍的内陆还有三十年的蕴藏量而重新开始。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- Based on analysis of origin, change trend, influence factors of Gumiubei crack in Kaiyang Phosphate Mine, the its prevention measures are put forward to ensure normal mining operation. 通过牯牛背裂隙的成因、变化趋势、影响因素及危害的分析,提出防范措施,以保证矿山开采秩序的正常进行。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- Ground behaviour occured in mining of Maluping ore block by new room-pillar with bolting in Kaiyang Phosphate Mine are analyzed and control measures of ground pressure are put forward. 对开阳磷矿马路坪矿段延伸开采工程中采用新型锚杆护顶房柱法出现的地压显现问题进行了详细的分析,并提出了地压控制措施。
- Success is mine if I stick it out. 只要我坚持到底成功就是我的。