- He reposited the stomach in teh abdomen. 他把胃重新放回腹内。
- Daytime, children in Shui Zhongxi water. 白天,孩子们在水中嬉水。
- The teacher gestured teh pupils to stand in line. 老师用手势示意学生排队。
- Your parents believe in feng shui. 你父母信风水。
- Donaldson, George V.Chilingarian, and Teh Fu Yen. 书名 :Enhanced oil recovery /edited by Erle C.
- "Hsu Man-li," she said, on the spur of the moment. “是徐曼丽叫我来的哟
- May i help you decorate teh room? 我可以帮你装饰布置房间吗?
- Hsu Chi has endorsed the famous brand of make-up. 舒淇帮这个知名的化妆品品牌代言。
- Donated by the Liu clan of Sheung Shui. 上水乡廖族捐赠。
- Minfang Hsu play Chopin Sonata No.2 4st mov. 台湾徐敏芳演奏萧邦:第二号钢琴奏鸣曲,...
- Chinese people have a lot of faith in feng shui. 中国人很相信风水。
- Et Pax.Subsp.Standishii Hsu et H. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl.
- Shanghai Shui On Consulting Co.Ltd. 上海瑞安咨询有限公司。
- Wang Shui always wears a jacket. 王水总是穿一件夹克.
- In feng shui terms, this)place is the best! 以风水来说,这)地方是最好!
- The Bak Kut Teh and the Laksa are typical Southeast Asia cate. 肉骨茶和娘惹咖喱面都是地道的东南亚美食。
- I can curse people with )feng shui, too, you know. 我能诅咒人)风水,也,你知道)。
- The Feng Shui power is a )bit weak here. 风水能力是一)位元弱的在这里。
- Shui Junyi was sent to Iraq to cover this war. 水均益被派往伊拉克采访这场战争。